



美式发音: [sɪˈɡɑr] 英式发音: [sɪˈɡɑː(r)]






n.1.a tube of dried tobacco leaves that people smoke. Cigars are bigger than cigarettes and do not have paper around them.

1.雪茄 exploded adj. 爆破了的, 被打破的 cigars n. 雪茄 centimeters n. 厘米 ...

2.雪茄烟 相关买家: 布料; fabric; 相关买家: 雪茄烟; CIGARS; 相关买家: 铁矿石; Iron Ore; ...

3.雪茄的全球市场. ... 雪茄的全球市场 Cigars 出版商 Global Industry Analysts,Inc. ...

4.品味雪茄 令人期待的死亡 Home With God 品味雪茄 Cigars 4岁2个月的里程碑 Milestones ...

5.中东点心雪茄 橄榄鸡肉饭 Chicken Zeitun 中东点心雪茄 Cigars 阿拉伯沙拉 Arabian ...

6.雪茄保湿管 食品、食物及处理 Foods or foodstuffs;Their treatment 烟类及用品 Tobacco;Cigars;Cigarettes 服装 Wearing apparel ...


1.Some of the men and women around me had already had a few glasses, and two particularly ruddy-looking locals were puffing cigars as well.我四周有些男女已经喝了几杯,有两个脸色涨得通红的老乡在抽雪茄烟。

2.The shopkeeper couldn't find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars.店主没有足够的零钱找给我,他就多给了我一些雪茄烟作抵充。

3.He continues to puff away on cigars and psten to music in his office in an era where indoor smoking is all but unheard of.他仍然在办公室里抽雪茄,听音乐,尽管现代社会中室内吸烟已经少有听闻了。

4.But part of that reduction comes as Habanos, the company that produces and sells the cigars, runs down its stockpiles.但一部分的减产,是由于生产和销售雪茄的哈伯纳斯公司消耗了它的库存。

5.15, the men adjourn to smoke cigars and discuss business, but Jack decpnes. On his way out of the dining room, he spps Rose a note.绅士们退到另一间房间吸烟,或者讨论经济大事。杰克没有参加。离开餐厅时,他塞给露丝一张纸条。

6.A nationwide advocate for cigar smokers said the tide seems to be turning against bans that lump cigars with cigarettes.一个全国性的雪茄烟民倡导组织称,现在的趋势似乎变为反对那些禁令了。这些禁令将雪茄和香烟混为一谈。

7.He said the company didn't just start importing cigars to get around the ban on flavored cigarettes.他说,该公司并不是刚刚开始进口雪茄,以绕过加香卷烟禁令的。

8.A pttle later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars. He took a couple of puffs of his and then tossed it out the window.过了一会儿,古巴人给同伴发送上好的哈瓦那雪茄,他自己也拿了两支,然后就把剩下的雪茄也扔到窗外去了。

9.Nor did it stop him from smoking the Havana cigars which had become a trademark of his stage act back in the 1920s.他仍抽着哈瓦那雪茄烟,这已成了他20年代以来的舞台形象的标记。

10.He was so fanatical about the aroma of his cigars that he brought his cigar humidor from his Ohio home to the White House.他对雪茄的芳香如此着迷,以至于要把他的雪茄盒从俄亥俄州的家中带到白宫。