


网络释义:Link Loss Forwarding; 永州


1.Link Loss Forwarding 大连 DLC 永州 LLF 武汉 WUH ...


1.But the feepng continued to grow, and by now llf knew it was the farm.但这种感觉越来越强烈了,这时他才知道是农场的原因。

2.llf, just turned eleven and rather small for his age, was the right size for this slurp, though barely.大小上里夫正是合适的猎物,虽然他已经十一岁了,可看起来却有点小,当然这只是说说。

3.Something stirred beside llf. He looked down and saw Lying Lou and Gabby had joined them again.里夫旁边有东西动了,他低头,看见卢骗子和饶舌头又回来了。

4.llf made a fist of his left hand and swung fast.里夫握起左拳快速挥过去。

5.We're not being quite on our best behavior today, are we, llf?这还不是今天我们干得最棒的呢,是吧,里夫?

6."Somebody's here on a visit, " llf said.“有人来参观。”里夫说。

7."That's good, isn't it? " llf asked.“那挺好的啊,不是吗?”里夫问。