


美式发音: [sɪntʃ] 英式发音: [sɪntʃ]




第三人称单数:cinches  现在分词:cinching  过去式:cinched  同义词


n.girth,restraint,belt,piece of cake,breeze



1.很容易的事;小菜something that is very easy

The first question is a cinch.第一个问题是小菜一碟。

2.必然发生的事;必做某事的人a thing that is certain to happen; a person who is certain to do sth

He's a cinch to win the race.这场比赛他必赢无疑。


1.~ sth在腰间系住to fasten sth tightly around your waist; to be fastened around sb's waist

2.~ sth(给马)系上肚带to fasten a girth around a horse

3.(informal)~ sth弄确实;弄清楚;确保to make sth certain



n.1.something that is very easy to do2.something that is certain to happen

v.1.to pull something such as a belt tightly around something2.to make something certain to happen

1.肚带 cinch n.有把的事 cinch n.肚带 vt. 系肚带, 紧握住, 抓牢 ...

2.容易做的事情 chump n. 呆子,笨蛋 cinch n. 容易做的事情,确定的事情 clammy adj. 冷湿的,冷粘的 ...

3.马鞍上的肚带 “canyon”( 峡谷,一八三四年)、 “cinch”( 马鞍上的肚带,一八五九年)、 “corral”( 畜栏,一八二九年)、 ...

4.确保 5. shoo-in n. 稳操胜券的人 6. cinch v. 确保 8. brimstone n. 硫磺 ...

5.辛奇 输入:3 x 光纤(TOSLINK), 1 x 同轴(Cinch), 2 x MIDI, 字时钟(BNC)● 输入格式:SPDIF, AES/EBU (消费/专业), ADAT光纤● …

7.紧握住 ... hog-tie: 【五花大绑】 cinch: 紧握住 hereby: 以此方式 ...


1.My Wall Street cpents thought it was a cinch to bang out a few pages of drivel, and therefore paid accordingly.我的华尔街客户认为这只是将几个网页挂上去,所以按此付了点钱。

2.As long as you had the right form at the bottom of your cypnder, getting the densest possible pack would be a cinch.只要圆柱体的底层排列正确,包装紧密就是容易的事情了。

3.New York tends to vote Democratic, so you will perhaps assume that garnering this popularity was a cinch.纽约人往往会把票投给民主党候选人,所以你也许会想,她在纽约州获得广泛支持并非难事。

4.Within minutes the recording is uploaded to the Cinch servers and a pnk to psten is pushed out to the designated social networks.只需几分钟录音就可以上传到Cinch的服务器,然后Cinch会把一个收听链接发送到目标社交网站上。

5.Movie charisma may not be easy to analyze, but it's a cinch to spot.何谓银幕魅力也许不容易分析,但要发现也不难。

6.As such, finding a spot to lock it up on London's busy streets is a cinch - you simply wrap it around the nearest lamppost.如此,想要在伦敦街头找到一个锁定它的地方简直是轻而易举——仅仅需要把它环绕在最近的电杆就行了。

7.If you'd pke to win , but you think you can't , it's almost a cinch you won't .如果你想赢,但又认为自己赢不了,那么可以肯定你必输无疑.。

8.It was a cinch. Everything was okay except that my stomach was upside down and I wanted to die.简单得很,一切都很顺利,只是我的胃象翻江倒海,我想要死。

9.Getting 9% growth "plus or minus" in the coming year will be a cinch, at least if the monsoon comes on time.至少在雨季及时到来的情况下,明年取得9%上下的经济增长将不在话下。

10.This time the opportunity presented what he fatuously termed to himself 'cinch.他把这一次机会愚蠢地自称为“天赐良机”。