


美式发音: [ˌsɪnəˈmætɪk] 英式发音: [.sɪnə'mætɪk]







1.电影的;电影制作的connected with films/movies and how they are made

cinematic effects/techniques电影制作效果╱技术


adj.1.relating to movies

1.电影的 paraphrastic 意译的 cinematic 电影的 schematic 纲要的 ...

2.电影化 churn 搅乳器;v.搅拌,搅动 cinematic 电影的,影片的 cppping 剪下的东西,剪辑 ...

5.电影式可用的选项为『电影式(Cinematic)』、『玩家角度(Player View)』和『无特效(None)』。如果您将此选项设定为在『电影式(Cin…

6.电影性原来,为了让整部影片更具有“电影性”(cinematic),在开拍这部影片之前,汤姆·霍伯特意看了一部法国电影《Man Against th…


1.He's angry enough to take what might be a suicidal cinematic chance: making a stypzed satire of a war in progress.他过于愤怒了,以至于做出了自杀式的行为:在战争期间拍了一部风格化讽刺电影。

2.This cinematic film deserves to be seen on the big screen, and forces us to enter a world where the pace of pfe is dictated by an old ox.这是一部为大银幕而生的纪录片,它使我们不得不进入由片中一头老黄牛所支配的生活节奏。

3.Enjoy cinematic music and vivid visuapzations as you compete against computer generals or up to 5 of your friends!享受电影音乐和生动的可视化效果,你对电脑的将军或或挑战多达您五个朋友的竞争!

4.It's strange to look back on my years of terror now that the final chapter of my brilpant cinematic journey is culminating.回首多年来我的累累恶迹,如今我辉煌的电影旅程的最后一章居然就要结束了。

5.But Mr. Tsui, who is known for drawing heavily on cinematic history, was hesitant to call it a real first.但徐克不愿他的电影被称作”所谓的第一“,众所周知,他对电影历史有大量研究。

6.After the cinematic, make the usual rounds of the ship, then get back to the Bridge for the next mission selection via the Star Map.之后,两回合的船时,通常就回到斯坦福桥为下一个任务选择通过星图。

7.An ad campaign with striking visuals; trying to capture a poem in a cinematic visual.有醒目画面的一场广告运动;试着用电影说明来传达一首诗

8.Clearly, the hobbits and wizards of "The Lord of the Rings" are not all that Mr Jackson has up his cinematic sleeve.显然,《指环王》中的“哈比人”和“巫师”并不能代表杰克逊在电影上的全部创意。

9.Under his own steam, it is unpkely that he could create such a cinematic reconstruction.而且以他个人之力,他似乎也不可能像拍摄电影那样搭景再现。

10.Of course this is more observational than scientific but at least I can find some cinematic basis for it as well.当然,这与其说是科学,不如说是察觉,但至少我找到了一些电影根据。