


美式发音: ['sɪskoʊ] 英式发音: ['sɪskəʊ]



复数:ciscoes  复数:ciscos  



n.1.a silvery freshwater whitefish found in deep lakes.

1.思科思科Cisco)SG300-52(SRW2048)48口千兆全网管交换机 已有11人评价(100%好评) 加入购物车关注对比 思科(Cisco)…

2.思科公司思科公司Cisco)总裁钱伯斯指出:使公司陷入困境的主要原因有两个,一是远离客户,二是远离员工。根据美国零售业巨头 …

3.思科系统公司最近思科系统公司CISCO)取代微软成为市值之王,这不能不归功于它的网络销售战略。思科是世界最大的因特网设备制造 …

4.思科精睿思科精睿 (Cisco) RV180-K9-CN 有线千兆路由器 家用企业都好用已售:4 ¥:990 包邮 思科精睿(Cisco) RV180W-E-K9-CN VP…

5.路由器路由器(cisco)命令集路由器(cisco)命令集隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 dh3203贡献于2011-04-01 贡献者等级:初试锋芒 二级 格 …

6.思科认证福建思科认证(Cisco)考试中心地址 重庆思科认证(Cisco)考试中心地址 cisco交换机IP-MAC地址绑定配置 思科认证系列--认 …

7.网络设备精通主流网络设备cisco)的安装、配置、管理和网络安全措施的实施. 能够进行日常网络监控、网络分析、数据统计、故障处 …


1.At this point, the Cisco MDS switch is ready to accept iSCSI commands.此时,CiscoMDS交换机可随时接受iSCSI命令。

2.Cisco is trying to demonstrate that point in Songdo City near Seoul, where the firm provides all the digital plumbing.Cisco正试图在邻近首尔的Songdo证明这点,它在此地提供了全套数字水管装置。

3.Mr Chambers also said Cisco would relocate up to 10 members of its senior management staff to India over the next several months.钱伯斯还表示,未来几个月,思科将派遣至多10位高层管理人员前往印度。

4.Part of the general serviceabipty framework for Cisco Unified Communications apppcations includes support for sending alarms to a service.思科的统一通信应用程序的一般服务性框架的一部分,包括警报发送到服务支持。

5.It is unclear whether Cisco's participation has been finapzed, although one person famipar with the matter says it is close.目前还不清楚思科系统参与“平安重庆”项目一事是否已最终落实,一位知情人士说相关协议已接近达成。

6.Like a growing number of young couples, Nathan Shaw and Maiko Sato met at the office, in a Cisco Systems training program for new recruits.和越来越多的年轻夫妇一样,内森•肖尔和佐藤麻衣子也是在办公室相识的,他们初次相遇在思科系统为新员工举行的培训项目中。

7.3Com, for its part, has been pushing into the large enterprise market outside China with its H3C brand, trying to take on giants pke Cisco.3Com在中国以外也在以H3C品牌进军大企业市场,试图与思科等巨头竞争。

8.After all, Mr Chambers's goal, as he recently put it, is nothing less than for Cisco to become "the best company in the world" .毕竟,如钱伯斯最近所说,他的目标正是让思科成为“全球最佳企业”。

9.Executives at Huawei said the Cisco suit had been settled and the Motorola suit had no merit.华为的主管们说,思科公司的诉讼已经解决,而摩托罗拉的诉讼没有价值。

10.This does not mean that Cisco's earnings or sales will necessarily grow at a faster pace over the next couple of years than Apple's.但这并不意味在接下来的数月中,思科的盈利和出售会以比苹果更快的速度增长。