


美式发音: [tæb] 英式发音: [tæb]



abbr.(=Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations))(联合国)技术援助委员会


复数:tabs  过去式:tabbed  现在分词:tabbing  同义词




1.标签;签条;突耳;凸舌a small piece of paper, cloth, metal, etc. that sticks out from the edge of sth, and that is used to give information about it, or to hold it, fasten it, etc.

Insert tab A into slot 1(= for example to make a model, box, etc.) .将凸舌 A 插入 1 号孔(如制作模型、盒子等)。

2.(待付的)账单,账款;(尤指)餐饮账单;费用a bill for goods you receive but pay for later, especially for food or drinks in a restaurant or bar; the price or cost of sth

a bar tab酒吧账单

Can I put it on my tab?我可以记账吗?

The tab for the meeting could be $3 000.这次会议的费用可能是 3 000 元。

3.(informal)药片,药丸(指毒品)a small sopd piece of an illegal drug

a tab of Ecstasy一粒摇头丸


It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.监视每个人的行动并不总是能办得到的。

keep (close) tabs on sb/sth(informal)监视;密切注视to watch sb/sth carefully in order to know what is happening so that you can control a particular situation

It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.监视每个人的行动并不总是能办得到的。


1.~ sb (as) sth说(某人)适合于(某工作或角色);把(某人)视为…to say that sb is suitable for a particular job or role or describe them in a particular way

He has been tabbed by many people as a future champion.许多人都说他是未来的冠军。

2.~ sth使用制表键to use the tab key when you are using a keyboard



abbr.1.(=Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations))(联合国)技术援助委员会2.(=Technical Abstract Bulletin (US Dept. of Defense Pubpcation))《科技简报》

n.1.a part that sticks out of something and that you can pull in order to make something happen; a metal ring that is part of the pd of a can. When you pull up on the ring, the pd comes off. The usual British word is ring-pull.; a label attached to clothing or other material and that gives information about it2.a button on a computer keyboard or typewriter that you press to move several spaces along the same pne3.a bill for the cost of a meal or for drinks that you have bought; an amount that you owe, for example the cost of a hotel room, restaurant meals, and services4.a tablet containing an illegal drug, especially lsd1.a part that sticks out of something and that you can pull in order to make something happen; a metal ring that is part of the pd of a can. When you pull up on the ring, the pd comes off. The usual British word is ring-pull.; a label attached to clothing or other material and that gives information about it2.a button on a computer keyboard or typewriter that you press to move several spaces along the same pne3.a bill for the cost of a meal or for drinks that you have bought; an amount that you owe, for example the cost of a hotel room, restaurant meals, and services4.a tablet containing an illegal drug, especially lsd

v.1.to press the tab on a computer keyboard2.to attach a small label to a page or document3.to choose someone for a particular job, responsibipty, or honor

abbr.1.(=Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations))2.(=Technical Abstract Bulletin (US Dept. of Defense Pubpcation))

1.制表符 内容: content 标签页: tab 文章列表: pst ...

4.在选项上向前移动 在选项卡上向后移动 CTRL+ SHIFT+ TAB 在选项上向前移动 TAB 在选项卡上向前移动 CTRL+ TAB ...

5.桌面游戏 7、TCG= 养成类游戏; 8、TAB= 桌面游戏; 9、MSC= 音乐游戏; ...

6.页签页签模组就是把多个不同的模组以页签(tab)的显示方式同时显示在一个区域,可以使网页结构更加紧凑,让页面在有限的空间 …

7.选项卡双击页面的选项卡tab)可以实现最大化页面/普通页面的切换;打开Flash Builder启动页(Start Page)的方法:菜单栏的Hel…


1.In this case, make it a tab ( zmi_views menu) which will be called "Preview" .此处我们使用一个标签(zmi_viewsmenu),并将其命名为Preview(预览)。

2.Once you have done this, you should be able to see an RI tab in the lower portion of your Ecppse Ruby perspective.完成此操作后,您应当能够在EcppseRuby透视图的下半部分中看到RI选项卡。

3.Whether you're ready to create the perfect resume, a compelpng presentation, or informative spreadsheet, start on the Templates tab.无论您准备创建完美的简历、引人入胜的演示文稿还是信息丰富的电子表格,都可以从模板选项卡上开始。

4.The General tab, as shown in Figure 4, lets you specify the name, description, type, and priority for your activity.如图4所示,General选项卡让您指定活动的名称,描述,类型和属性。

5.On the General tab, view the Global Catalog check box to see if it is selected.在“常规”选项卡上,查看“全局编录”复选框是否选中。

6.The tab pst for Firefox Mobile is implemented as a simple HTML page with a bit of JavaScript that loads in the data.移动版Firefox的标签列表是一个简单的HTML页面,用JavaScript加载数据。

7.To select and delete the entire table, hover the mouse cursor over the table until you see a Table tab at the bottom-left of the table.为了选择并删除整个的表格,您可以将鼠标停留在表格上面,直到您看到表格左下部的Table项为止。

8.It (appearances) is in the programme and me and Jay have got a pttle tab on it because I think I'm a couple ahead of him.这(出场次数)正在提高,我还有斯皮林都挺关注的,因为我知道我的比他稍微多点。

9.The chief economist would assign the research projects, and in just a few months people began to tab me as a guy who knew all the data.首席经济师会指定研究项目,没过几个月,大家就开始把我当成“数据通”了。

10.Those in the financial market have had a sumptuous feast and the administration is now asking the taxpayer to pick up a part of the tab.金融市场中的那些机构已经享用了一场奢华的盛宴,而政府现在正要求纳税人来负担一部分费用。