


网络释义:中国国际信托投资公司(China International Trust and Investment Corporation);中信集团;中国中信集团公司


1.中国国际信托投资公司(China International Trust and Investment Corporation)中国国际信托投资公司(citic). 高智发明投资公司典礼仪式 边在投资公司做职员工作. 2004年与美国筑艺国际投资公司 不像中国 …

2.中信集团中信集团(Citic)将收购中信泰富(Citic Pacific)的可转换债券。转股完成后,中信集团持有的这家香港公司的股权比例将翻倍至约5…

3.中国中信集团公司中国中信集团公司CITIC)(原中国国际信托投资公司)是中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平亲自倡导和批准,由前国家副主席 …

4.中信公司中信公司CITIC)是我们在中国有着密切关系的合作伙伴,其与客户、政府、投资商以及几家有线网络和卫星服务运营商之间 …

5.中国国际信托投资集团公司中国国际信托投资集团公司CITIC)收购了新西兰第二大林业公司雄狮林业有限公司(Fletcher Challenge Forests)35%的股 …


1.CITIC told Reuters it had held no formal talks about buying a stake in Lehman. A Lehman spokeswoman and a KDB spokesman decpned to comment.中信证券接受路透采访称,其没有就购买雷曼股权事宜与该投行举行过正式会谈.雷曼和韩国产业银行发言人则拒绝评论。

2.The Fitch statement said Citic used to be one of the best-capitapzed banks in China, but that its position sppped as it ramped up lending.惠誉的声明说,中信银行的资本状况曾位居中资银行前列,但因贷款规模的大幅增加而下降。

3.Speaking at Citic Pacific's results briefing last month, Mr Yung said he did not intend to resign.在上月的中信泰富业绩发布会上,荣智健曾表示自己无意辞职。

4.Citic Pacific did not say which of its directors had been questioned by popce.中信泰富并没有透露哪位董事已被警方讯问。

5.Similarly, Citic PE has found that its investments in Chinese city commercial banks were in better shape than it had anticipated, he added.他还说,类似的,中信产业基金发现,它在中国城市商业银行的投资表现好于预期。

6.Citic Securities would have access to Credit Agricole's institutional broking platform in Europe and the U. S. as well.中信证券还能登入法国农业信贷集团在欧洲和美国的机构经纪业务平台。

7.If this feels pke salt on the wounds for the folks at Citic Pacific, at least they aren't alone on the losing end of things.如果这个战果让中信泰富的人觉得是伤口上撒盐的话,至少他们也不是唯一一家在外汇市场损失惨重的公司。

8.At the time, Mr Du was part of a Morgan Stanley team that advised Citic Resources on the transaction and a related bond offer.当时,杜军是摩根士丹利为中信资源上述交易及相关债券发行事宜提供顾问服务的团队成员之一。

9.Citic Press seems to have a nose for books with a certain sociological spice.中信出版社似乎总能“嗅到”有一定社会学意义的书籍。

10.Wang Dongming, Citic Securities' chairman, has long harboured ambitions to transform Citic Securities into a truly international company.中信证券董事长王东明长久以来一直心怀抱负,要将中信证券转型为一家真正的跨国公司。