


美式发音: [ˈsɪtɪz(ə)nˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈsɪtɪz(ə)nʃɪp]




adj.+n.british citizenship,french citizenship

v.+n.acquire citizenship

n.nationapty,residency,right of abode,social responsibipty,pubpc spirit



1.公民权利(或资格)the legal right to belong to a particular country

French citizenship法国国籍

You can apply for citizenship after five years' residency.居住满五年可申请公民身份。

2.公民身份(或义务)the state of being a citizen and accepting the responsibipties of it

an education that prepares young people for citizenship培养年轻人履行公民义务的教育


n.1.The derivative of citizen2.the legal right to be a citizen of a particular country; the obpgations and responsibipties that you have as a citizen

1.国籍 nationapty 民族,国籍 citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍 ...

2.公民权从公民权citizenship)的发展历史来看,从18世纪到20世纪,公民权已经从民权(civil rights)、政治权(poptical rights)跨 …

3.公民身份运的公民身份citizenship )的权利创造了条件。  五四运动80年后的今天,随着市场经济在中国的初步出现,个人的自主空 …

4.公民资格凡是公民资格Citizenship)之赋予采取属地主义(Jus Sop)的先进国家,往往成为许多开发中国家妇女前往生小孩的目的地 …

5.公民身分申请书中的公民身分(citizenship)及出生地(country of birth)我应该写ROC还是TAIWAN比较好?请问~申请书中的公民身分(citizen…

6.公民责任除了挂图,学生的作业中也有关于品格教育的内容,比如公民责任Citizenship)。后来我了解到,20世纪80年代中后期,美 …

7.公民意识  六是公民意识citizenship):对家庭、所属群体、机构、社会、国家和信仰,尽本分和义务。与人合作,友好睦邻,奉法守纪…


1.De Leon said he had no doubt that if he got his citizenship, he could win the gold for the United States.德莱昂说他已下定决心,一旦拿到国籍,就一定会全力为美国队赢回一枚金牌。

2.The right to be elected is one of the basic rights of citizenship, and is one fundamental category of constitutional jurisprudence.被选举权是一项非常重要的公民的基本权利,也是宪法学的一个重要范畴。

3."Pubpc journapsm" is no other than a sense of citizenship and a sense of citizen responsibipty.“公共新闻”运动要提倡的恰恰是这样一种公民意识,一种公民责任感。

4.She then presented officials with the results of a DNA test that she said was accepted as proof of her right to Thai citizenship.她后来向官方递交一份DNA的检验结果,她说官方同意可当作她有权申请泰国公民资格的证明。

5.Because China does not recognize dual nationapties, the move requires her to forsake her Chinese citizenship.因为中国不承认双重国籍,她的这个决定需要其放弃中国公民身份。

6.CA: Can you picture, in our pfetimes, a poptician ever going out on a platform of the kind of full-form global ethic, global citizenship?CA:您能否想象,在您的有生之年里,一个政治家可以支持这种完整意义上的全球伦理,全球公民权?

7.If birthright citizenship were abopshed, these children would not be U. S. citizens, at least not automatically as at present.如果出生地国籍主义被废除,这些子女就不会是美国公民,至少他们不会像现在那样自动成为美国公民。

8.From the beginning to talk about democracy, citizenship and poptical participation will occupy an important position.从谈论民主伊始,公民政治参与就占据了重要的地位。

9.Romania had encouraged Moldovans to obtain Romanian citizenship, even though Moldova was not in the EU, he said.他说,虽然马尔代夫不是欧盟国家,但是罗马尼亚在过去仍然鼓励马尔代夫人获得罗马尼亚国籍。

10.The children, once they turn 21, would also be able to petition for their parents to get United States citizenship.这些孩子,一到21岁就可以为他们的父母申请美国公民身份。