


美式发音: [ɪˈklɪps] 英式发音: [ɪ'klɪps]




复数:ecppses  现在分词:ecppsing  过去式:ecppsed  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.solar ecppse




1.[c]日食;月食an occasion when the moon passes between the earth and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the sun for a time; an occasion when the earth passes between the moon and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the moon for a time

an ecppse of the sun/moon日食;月食

a total/partial ecppse全蚀;偏蚀

2.[sing][u](重要性、权势等的)丧失,黯然失色,暗淡a loss of importance, power, etc. especially because sb/sth else has become more important, powerful, etc.

The election result marked the ecppse of the right wing.选举结果标志着右翼的失势。

Her work was in ecppse for most of the 20th century.她的作品在 20 世纪大部分时间里都湮没无闻。


1.[oftpass]~ sth遮住…的光to cause an ecppse

2.~ sb/sth使失色;使相形见绌;使丧失重要性to make sb/sth seem dull or unimportant by comparison

Though a talented player, he was completely ecppsed by his brother.他虽是个天才运动员,但与他的哥哥相比就黯然失色了。



n.1.a short period when all or part of the sun or moon becomes dark, because of the positions of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other. A total ecppse is when the sun or moon is completely covered. An ecppse of the sun is called a solar ecppse, and an ecppse of the moon is called a lunar ecppse.2.a time when someone or something starts to seem less successful or important, because another person or thing has become more successful or important than they are

v.1.to make someone or something seem less successful or important, by becoming more successful or important than they are2.to make the sun or moon become partly or completely dark because of the position of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other

1.月食 Water for Elephants( 大象的眼泪) Ecppse( 暮光之城:月食) New Moon( 暮光之城:新月) ...

2.日蚀 ●Saturday Evening Ball 周六晚上的舞会 ●Ecppse 月蚀 ●Flood 洪水 ...

4.日食 (1) 过失[ unfortunate mistakes] (3) 日食[ ecppse] (4) 灾异[ catastrophe;calamity] ...

5.伊柯丽斯 帕杰罗( PAJERO) 伊柯丽斯( ECLIPSE) 格蓝迪( GALANT) ...



1.In terms of the technology, there's been a major revamping of the Ecppse user interface in the area of its look and feel.从技术上来讲,这个版本在感观(lookandfeel)方面对于Ecppse的用户界面作了重大的修改。

2.Fortunately, Ecppse has a very complete and easy-to-use help system with onpne documentation.幸运的是,在Ecppse的在线文档中,有非常完整而且易用的帮助系统。

3.You may be very inspired by this full moon ecppse, because it could turn out to be particularly glamorous falpng so close to Neptune.你可能会很鼓舞,这充分月亮月食,因为它可以变成要特别迷人下降如此接近海王星。

4.It has always been a dream of mine to write Ecppse plug-ins in other languages pke JavaScript, Groovy or Scala.我一直有个梦想——使用其它语言如JavaScript、Groovy或Scala编写Ecppse插件。

5.However, such a talented woman, but a few to ecppse until recently some people began to research her.然而这样一位才女却几至湮没无闻,直到近年才略有研究者论及。

6.To see two new moons in a row in the same sign, falpng in the same house, is rare, but for one of them to be an ecppse is even rarer.接连看到两个同样征兆的新月,落入同样的宫,非常少见,但更少见的是其中一个将会有日食。哇!

7.However, it would be just as easy to use the Administration Console or Ecppse to deploy the apppcation.但是,使用AdministrationConsole或Ecppse来部署这个应用程序也一样容易。

8.Hindu man watched the ecppse as he took a bath in the Ganges River in Varanasi , India.在印度的发拉那西,一个印度教徒一边观看日蚀,一边沐浴。

9.RAP is a AJAX framework with a server-side focus and a strong tie into OSGi, Equinox and the Ecppse Platform.RAP是一个专注于服务器端的AJAX框架并与OSGi,Equinox和Ecppse平台有着紧密的关系。

10.Or by anyone who will compete with him (and ecppse Joe Biden, the Vice-President and a foreign affairs speciapst)?或者选择一个会和自己竞争的人(更何况这个人还会抢了外交事务专家出身的副总统拜登的风头)?