




1.雪铁龙 牧马人 Wagoneer 雪铁龙 Citroen 宾利 Bentley ...

2.法国雪铁龙 Land Rover 陆虎, Citroen 东风雪铁龙, Geely 吉利, ...

4.雪铁龙汽车公司 CHEVROLET 雪弗兰系列 CITROEN 雪铁龙系列 CHRYSLER 克莱斯勒系列 ...

6.法国的雪铁龙汽车制造商&ISO/TS16949:2002 法国的雪铁龙CITROEN)、标致(PEUGEOT)、雷诺(RENAULT) 和日本的日产(…


1.Mr. Zhu is not the first to make his own Transformers, there was the Citroen transfomer a while back as well.朱先生不是第一个自制变形金刚的,很久之前就有一个系列的雪铁龙变形金刚问世了。

2.To sum it up: The Citroen C5 is an elegantly designed mid-range car that impresses with its appearance and thorough workmanship.总体说来,雪铁龙C5以优雅的外观和精湛的工艺给我留下了很深的印象。

3.He said PSA Peugeot Citroen and Dongfeng have launched a joint study group to look into the feasibipty of the move.他说,标致雪铁龙集团和东风汽车已组建了一个联合研究小组,调查此事的可行性。

4.The company fitted Citroen electric cars with receiver pads on the underside of the car, allowing the batteries to be charged wirelessly.该公司在一款雪铁龙电动车的底部安装了电力接收垫,使其可以通过无线方式给电池充电。

5.Citroen is also said to be keen on keeping the production version very close to its show car counterpart.雪铁龙也说是非常留意生产版本,它极其靠近所展示车对应。

6.Later, the Citroen had been organized across the African continent and the two travel across the Asian continent, the Citroen became famous.后来,雪铁龙曾组织过横穿非洲大陆和横越亚洲大陆的两次旅行,使雪铁龙汽车名声大振。

7.The case of Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company was chosen for an analysis of the integrated system mentioned.并通过神龙汽车公司的案例对模型中涉及的整合系统进行分析。

8.A train, the past, pke a Citroen in the Sha Jin Cancan in fighting the wind and waves hit and move forward.一列列火车,呼啸而过,宛如铁龙在金灿灿的沙海中击风搏浪,勇往直前。

9.Citroen, Citroen, Citroen; what are we going to do with you?雪铁龙,雪铁龙,雪铁龙,让我们拿你怎么办呢?

10.It plans to roll out the i-MiEV in Europe, as well as supply it to partner PSA Peugeot Citroen, by year's end.该公司计划年底前在欧洲推出i-MiEV汽车,并将它提供给自己的合作伙伴标致雪铁龙公司。