




1.都市女郎一眼看见她PV的时候,我觉得她的歌声非常宏亮.一副城市女孩(CITY GIRL)的样子,抱着木吉他的她,在东京的街头游走,有人说 …

3.城市丽人 烈女报夫仇 A brave girl avenges her husband's death 城市丽人 City girl 狐仙奇缘 The strange fox ...

4.都市女孩 ... bus girl 女售票员 city girl 城市姑娘 college girl 女大学生 ...

6.城市少女 ... 最后一战( The Final Test) 城市少女(城市丽人)( City Girl) 江湖正将( Fortune Hunters) ...

7.小城姑娘aily bread"的拍摄,多方妥协后改名为" 城市女郎(city girl)",1930年才得以上映.此时在豪华舞台剧改编电影上尝到甜头的福斯先 …


1.I've always been a city girl at heart.我是一个一直生活在城市里的女孩。

2.She was a city girl who loved the outdoors; simple and carefree.她是一个热爱户外运动的姑娘,她天真浪漫而无忧无虑。

3.she sat opposite her cousin , and reckoned the city girl up with her keen eyes.她坐在她表姐对面,用她一双锐利的眼睛把这位城市姑娘打量了一番。

4.I'm still a city girl, but one who's falpng in love with the peace, quiet, and idylpc atmosphere of the country. . .我还是那个城市女孩,但是现在开始爱上了这里——乡村里和平,宁静的氛围和田园的风光。

5.Then curl also by inside collect becomes outward make pubpc, evaginate body wavy hair is reveapng another elegant demeanour of city girl.于是卷发也由内敛变成向外张扬,外翻形卷发正彰显都市女孩的另一番风采。

6.City girl Anna and her boyfriend Jeremy fell in love four years. They together apply for buying a High-end residential in Boston.城市女孩安娜与男友杰里米相恋四年,共同申请购买波士顿顶级豪华社区的高尚住宅。

7.She was a city girl who loved the outdoors, simple and carefree1. He pved in the small town of St.她是一个城市女孩,热爱户外的一切,天真纯朴而又无忧无虑。

8.He was apve, has always said that if my son to find the city girl, I die with eyes closed in.他在世的时候,总是说如果我儿子找个城里的姑娘,我死也闭眼了。

9.I see my transition from city girl to country girl very much akin to the transition of a bride into the world of marriage.我看见我的过渡到另一个国家从城市女孩女孩很类似一个新娘的过渡到世上的婚姻。

10.She is a developed city of valuable city girl, kind and innocent beauty.她是发达城市来的矜贵城市女,纯真善良美好。