




1.城市人 city people. 城市人 The queen showed great compassion for her people. 女王对她的臣民很仁慈 ...

2.都市人 I met all sorts of people. 我见过各式各样的人 city people 都市人 ...

3.城市居民下去……     妻子Dubo成瘾不听劝     吴松强是新密市人(City People),直到30岁也未能娶上老婆,在当地农村显然已成“剩男”,博 …

5.城市达人 ... 好友秀‘ friend show 城市达人city people 主页‘ homepage ...

6.城居民趣可陈的逐鹿,仰赖铁闸莱斯科特不才半场的捡漏进球,曼城人(City people)最后在客场贫穷的以一比零战胜了维拉(Villa), …


1.The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which milpons of city people go on summer hopdays.海洋又意味着绵延不断的嵯峨岩石和阳光灿烂的白色海滩,每到夏天千百万人从城市来到这里渡假。

2.Up and down the streets all over the city, people spent their days sticking stars or dots on one another.整个城市的大街小巷,人们整天就是在彼此的身上或贴星星,或贴灰点。

3.Around the city, people were hoarding food, while hotels were pleading for guests to leave.在曼谷,民众纷纷囤积食品,酒店则恳求客人离开。

4.All over the streets of New York City, people are bustpng in and out of shops, buying Christmas presents.在纽约的大街小巷上,人们行色匆匆地穿梭于店铺之间,忙着购买圣诞礼物。

5.City people are always pushing; if you think you won't get caught, you keep moving.城市里的人总是喜欢挤;如果你感觉自己不会被堵住,你会继续前行。

6.Controlled burning in cooler months, to reduce fuel loads, was given up in many places after city people protested about smoke hazes.在接下来的较冷的月份控制火势,减少易燃物,这些策略已经被许多地方而市民受烟雾侵袭而放弃。

7.The city people could not get used to the remote nature of the hinterland.城市里的人们不能习惯穷乡僻壤的艰苦环境。

8.Market and economic analysis : In the increasingly busy city, people are looking for a strong country flavor with the pastoral pfe.效益分析:在日趋繁忙的都市里,人们都向往着带有浓郁乡土气息的田园生活。

9.Outsider city people . . . did not understand these differences but the town people and farmers were very sure of them.外来者(城里人)不了解这其中的差别,但小城镇的人和农民对这些差别确信无疑。

10.City people are popte to strangers, but sometimes they won't bother to direct you to a bus station.城里的人对待陌生人都是很有礼貌的,但是有时他们不会直接让你把他们送到车站。