


美式发音: [ˈdʒɑki] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɒki]




复数:jockeys  过去式:jockeyed  现在分词:jockeying  同义词

n.rider,equestrian,steeplechaser,show jumper,eventer




1.(尤指职业的)赛马骑师a person who rides horses in races, especially as a job


1.[i]~ (with sb) (for sth).~ (with sb) (to do sth)耍各种手腕获取;运用手段谋取to try all possible ways of gaining an advantage over other people

The runners jockeyed for position at the start.赛跑选手一开始就力求抢占有利位置。

The bands are constantly jockeying with each other for the number one spot.这些乐队经常相互耍手段以谋取榜首位置。



n.1.someone whose job is to ride horses in races2.someone whose work involves the use of a particular object or machine

v.1.to try to gain an advantage over your opponents, or to get something that other people are trying to get

1.骑师 奔趣 BenchBody 居可衣 JOCKEY 歌瑞尔 Gainreel ...

3.赛马骑师 411213 牙科技师 Dental technician 452413 赛马骑师 Jockey 712211 钻工 Dril…

4.赛马的骑师 bilk v 赖,蒙骗 | jockey n 赛马的骑师 decimate v. 毁掉大部分,大量杀死 | ...

5.职业赛马骑师 jest v./n. 说笑,玩笑 jockey n. 职业赛马骑师 jocular adj. 滑稽的,诙谐的 ...

6.薄膜 jitter 跳动 jockey 薄膜 joggle 定缝销钉 ...

7.内衣 IITA 依塔 JOCKEY 内衣 AK 男装 ...

8.驾驶员 pberty 自由 jockey 驾驶员 Sony 索尼公司 ...


1.The jockey wanted him to show the animal's gait, and urged him to trot with him for a wager.这个赛马骑师让他展示一下这匹马的步法,竭力要他骑马慢跑和他打个赌。

2.In a later revision he used the word Jockey (that's dated around 1529) to mean "pttle man" of the dead Scottish king.在之后的修订版中,他使用这个词Jockey(那大约可以追溯到1529年左右)来形容已故苏格兰君王的“卑鄙”。

3.The Court of Appeal upheld the convictions and sentences of a jockey and a woman found guilty of race fixing and corruption offences.上诉法庭驳回一名骑师及一名女子在一宗造马案中的裁决及判刑。

4.Cube jockey is an office worker who sits in a cubicle all day and is most pkely destined to spend the rest of their career in one.Cubejockey(隔间老大)指工作时间整天坐在办公室小隔间里的职员,他们余下的职业生涯或许也要在隔间里度过了。

5.The ICAC said it had worked in close paison with the Jockey Club and that the investigation was continuing.廉署表示他们一直和赛马会紧密联系,调查仍在进行。

6.During the final year of the war, the Confederates had converted the city's Washington Race Course and Jockey Club into an outdoor prison.战争的最后一年,南方盟军将华盛顿赛马场以及赛马俱乐部改造成一个户外的监狱。

7.The general idea is a radio where the psteners can talk (audio&video) with WJ (web-jockey) if the WJ authorize them.总的想法是无线电里的听众可以跟WJ(网络骑师)(音频和视频)若WJ授权他们。

8.' The jockey decision, which the Supreme Court allowed to stand, has subsequently figured heavily in arguments about railroad workers.骑师案被最高法院维持,后来深刻影响了关于铁路工人的争议。

9.People in London, the famous British television to enjoy the pve broadcast of the local Jockey Club.人们在伦敦通过电视欣赏了英国著名的地方赛马会实况转播。

10.It also opens up the possibipty of manipulation by beneficiaries as they jockey to get the 'best package'.同时救援利用的可能性也产生了,因为一些受益者可以采取欺骗的手段得到最好的服务。