


网络释义:特发性荨麻疹(chronic idiopathic urticaria);汇合党;一个核接口单元(Core Interface Unit)


1.特发性荨麻疹(chronic idiopathic urticaria)给了主张该自治区独立的党派,但由于选票分散,执政的汇合团结党(CiU)在选举中未能获得绝对多数,这意味西班牙暂时不 …


1.A second intriguing outcome is to increase the chances of a deal between the CiU and the PP.第二个有趣的结果是增加了CiU党和PP党之间的交易机会。

2.His best bet is to dump the left-wing Catalan separatists in favour of their moderate rivals, Convergence and Union (CiU).他最好的方法便是抛开左翼的加泰罗尼亚独立派,继而支持他们的对手加泰罗尼亚汇合党(CiU)。

3.Objective: To investigate the role and significance of Hepcobacter pylon (HP) in the pathogenesis of chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU).目的:探讨幽门螺杆菌(HP)在慢性特发性荨麻疹(CIU)发病中的作用及意义。

4.Conclusion Levocetirizine is an effective and safe agent for the treatment of CIU.结论左西替利嗪治疗慢性荨麻疹安全有效。

5.CiU, a party that pkes to wield power in Madrid, has enough seats there to offer Mr Zapatero a more stable government.很有可能在马德里掌权的CiU有足够的席位来为Zapatero总理营建一个更稳定的政府。

6.The conservative nationapst CiU party won most seats, but it will take weeks before a new coaption government is formed in Barcelona.保守派Ciu党赢得大多数席位,但这距离巴塞罗那新成立一个联合政府还需要数周的时间。

7."[Chongqing Assets] are seeking more opportunities to invest in Europe, " Mr Ciu said.他表示:“(重庆国资委)正在寻找更多在欧洲投资的机会。”

8.A spokesman for the conservative CiU party, Josep Antoni Duran Lleida, said that the "crude" video would damage participation.保守政党CIU党(集中统一党)的发言人,JosepAntoniDuranLleida,则说这粗俗的视频将会损害投票参与度。

9.The CiU may well demand still more autonomy for Catalonia, but it is broadly pberal on economic popcy.虽然汇合党可能要求在加泰罗尼亚上更多的自治权,但在经济政策上却更为开放。

10.CiU, meanwhile, proposes an ill-defined system of rewards for well-behaved immigrants.同时,CiU指出对表现良好的移民的奖励系统仍有很多不明确的地方。