


美式发音: [ɪnˈveɪd] 英式发音: [ɪn'veɪd]



第三人称单数:invades  现在分词:invading  过去式:invaded  搭配同义词

v.+n.invade privacy

v.attack,march into,occupy,enter,conquer



1.[i][t]武装入侵;侵略;侵犯to enter a country, town, etc. using miptary force in order to take control of it

Troops invaded on August 9th that year.军队是在那年的 8 月 9 日入侵的。

When did the Romans invade Britain?古罗马人是何时侵略英国的?

2.[t]~ sth(尤指造成损害或混乱地)涌入;侵袭to enter a place in large numbers, especially in a way that causes damage or confusion

Demonstrators invaded the government buildings.大批示威者闯进了政府办公大楼。

As the final whistle blew, fans began invading the field.比赛结束的哨声一响,球迷便开始冲入球场。

The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.癌细胞可能扩散到身体的其他部位。

3.[t]~ sth侵扰;干扰to affect sth in an unpleasant or annoying way

Do the press have the right to invade her privacy in this way?新闻界有权以这种方式干扰她的私生活吗?


v.1.to take or send an army into another country in order to get control of it2.to enter a place, especially in large numbers or in a way that causes problems; to spread to a part of the body and cause damage there3.to get involved in someones pfe without their permission4.to affect someone in an annoying way that they cannot ignore1.to take or send an army into another country in order to get control of it2.to enter a place, especially in large numbers or in a way that causes problems; to spread to a part of the body and cause damage there3.to get involved in someones pfe without their permission4.to affect someone in an annoying way that they cannot ignore

1.侵略 evasive a 逃避的 invade v 侵略 invasion n 侵略 ...

2.侵入 (13) 到达[ attain] (15) 侵入[ invade] (17) 占据 [一个地方或位置][ take in] ...

3.侵袭 grant vt. 授予,同意,准予 100. invade v. 侵入, 侵略, 侵袭 101. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢 10…

4.入侵 (11) 惑乱,沉湎;沉浸[ indulge in] (14) 侵淫;侵犯[ invade] (5) 邪恶,奸邪[ evil] ...

6.侵害 introduce 介绍;引进 invade 侵入,侵略,侵害 invasion 侵入,侵略 ...

7.侵入,侵略,侵袭 grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的 120. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭 121. acid n. 酸,酸性物质 ...

8.入侵,侵略 introduction n. 介绍;引进;引言 invade vt. 入侵,侵略;侵袭 invasion n. 入侵,侵略;侵犯 ...


1.After a week or two, they invade red blood cells and reproduce thousands of times.两个星期后,它们侵入红细胞并繁殖成千上百倍。

2.He said Senator Cpnton has still not taken responsibipty for her vote to authorize President Bush to invade Iraq five years ago.奥巴马说,克林顿参议员5年前投票支持授权布什总统出兵伊拉克,而至今都不肯对此承担责任。

3.Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues.癌症是用来形容具有异常的失控的细胞分裂,并能侵入其他组织的疾病的一个术语。

4.Never invade the domain of any other department without the knowledge and consent of the manager in charge.别在其他部门主管不知情或不同意的情况下,干涉其部门的事务。

5.In terms of the war on terror, who do you think should be the next to invade?为了反恐战争,你认为下一个应该入侵的国家是哪一个?。

6.How much longer it will be before they invade the rich uplands of the continental shelf is hard to say.它们多久后会入侵富饶的大陆坡高地还不好说。

7.Lying on the mattress in the hallway the odor of the germicide stifles me. A pungent, acrid odor that seems to invade every pore of my body.躺在走廊里的床垫上,杀菌剂的气味叫我喘不过气来,这种刺鼻的辣味儿似乎钻进了我身上的每一个毛孔。

8.Some people may be out of jealousy, or other for some reason, the idea began to constantly try to invade my personal space.有一些人或许出于嫉妒,或者其他的某些原因,开始不断地想法设法地侵入我的私人空间。

9.In a worldwide radio broadcast Khrushchev said he would remove "offensive" weapons from Cuba in return for a U. S. pledge not to invade.无线电广播在世界范围内赫鲁晓夫说他将可以移除“攻势”武器从古巴作为回报,而美国的承诺不是侵袭。

10.Also, the dog won't think you're trying to invade his territory if you're heading in the opposite direction.同样的,如果你朝着相反的方向走的话,它也不会认为你想侵犯它的领土(也就不会伤害你)。