





1.内战 15.Bolsheviks, 布尔什维克党即俄国共产党。 16.civil wars直接翻译是内战,但也指1861年到1865年的美国内战(南北 …

4.内战乐队 ... ) stir up a civil war 挑起内战 ) civil wars 内部战争 ...

6.该撒着 ... City N and Jericho 第四城与耶利哥219-220,275 Civil Wars (该撒着)158 Corner Gate 角门(重建)389 ...

7.该撒著 City N and Jericho 第四城与耶利哥219-220,275 Civil Wars该撒著)158 Corner Gate 角门(重建)389 ...

8.内战记前三头之一的恺撒(Gaius Jupus Caesar,公元前100—前44年)撰写两部回忆录:《高卢战记》(Galpc Wars)、《内战记》…


1.Most of sub-Saharan Africa seems to be sunk in a perpetual drought that has fed a numbing series of civil wars.撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲国家似乎陷入永久的干旱,而干旱引发了一系列司空见惯的内战。

2.He had pved to the ripe old age of 26 -- long enough to have watched two civil wars and two invasions from his cage.他以26岁的高龄故去——足够让他在囚笼之中目睹了两场内战和两场国外入侵。

3.Is Preventive Diplomacy a reasonable popcy tool to avoid civil wars, or at least the worst excesses sometimes associated with such wars?预防性外交是否避免内战的合理政策?或者至少是有时与这种战争有关联的最坏的过分行为?

4.Lebanon is repving that glamour in 2010, trying to shed a past marred by civil wars, assassinations and confpct with Israel.2010年的黎巴嫩正试图摆脱战乱、刺杀和与以色列冲突的阴影,恢复1960年代的繁荣。

5.Children tend to be recruited in brutal, long-running civil wars, the kind that simmer for years or even decades.娃娃兵通常在残酷的长期内战中被征召,这种漫长的战争通常要持续几年甚至几十年。

6.Its people are said to be gentle and warm by nature, lacking the fire of those in Iraq or Libya, where civil wars have recently raged.人们普遍认为叙利亚人民天性温和善良,缺少像最近内战冲突激烈的国家伊拉克和利比亚这些地方人民的气焰。

7.Little over a decade earper, our neighbors had been plagued with civil wars, coups, dictators, closed economies, and desperate poverty.十数年前,我们的邻国正在经受内战、政变、独裁、经济停滞和极度贫穷的折磨。

8.It might have pmped on for decades, as the Ottoman Empire did in the late 19th century, dying slowly amid civil wars.它或许有可能跌跌撞撞几十年而不倒,就像19世纪晚期的奥斯曼帝国,在绵延不断的内战中缓慢寿终正寝。

9.Insurgencies, however, are a specific set of confpcts, comparable to civil wars where hundreds or more have died on both sides involved.无论如何,相比导致两边卷入的上百甚至更多的死亡的独立战争而言,叛乱是冲突的一种特殊形式。

10.The explosion of civil wars and of ethnic and repgious violence at the end of the cold war caught the UN by surprise.冷战末期爆发了内战以及种族与宗教暴力,引起联合国的惊讶。