


美式发音: [tɪl] 英式发音: [tɪl]






第三人称单数:tills  现在分词:tilpng  过去式:tilled  搭配同义词

v.+n.till field

n.cash register,cash box,box,drawer,tray

v.plow,dig,cultivate,turn over,rake



1.(大商店中的)交款处,收银台the place where you pay for goods in a large shop/store

Please pay at the till.请在交款处付款。

a long queue at the till收款处的长队

2.(现金出纳机的)放钱的抽屉the drawer where the money is put in a cash register


1.~ sth耕作;犁地to prepare and use land for growing crops






n.1.a cash register

conj.1.until, “Tillis less formal thanuntiland is used less often in writing

v.1.to prepare land for putting crops in the ground so that they will grow there

1.直到 throughout 遍及...,在各处。 till 直到...,在...以前。 to 到...,向...,趋于。 ...

2.直到……为止 urgent 紧急的,急迫的 till 直到…为止 第79 课 shopping 购物 ...

3.爱的誓言 01. 水边的阿狄丽娜 BALLADE FOUR ADELINE.ape 02. 爱的誓言 TILL.ape 03. 德朗的微笑 DOLANNES MELODY.ape ...

4.耕种 98、culp = fault 错,罪 99、cult = till 耕种,培养 100、cumber = barrier 躺的东西,障碍 ...

5.直到……之时 n.15.match 比赛;竞赛n. adj.20.till 直到……之时;在……之前 adj2.twin 孪生的;双胎的 ...

6.直至 直译〖 pteraltranslation〗 直至till〗 直观〖 visual;bedirectlyperceivedthroughthesense〗 ...

7.在...以前 swear 诅咒 till 直到, 在...以前, 迄 use 使用, 利用, 耗费 ...


1.But I shall not return till this time next week; and I think your master himself would scarcely object to her visiting her cousin!而我要到下个礼拜这个时候才回来;我想你主人他自己也不见得会反对林惇小姐去看她的表弟吧。

2.He came on looking upon the ground, and did not see Bathsheba till they were less than a stone's throw apart.他埋头赶着路,直到他们相距不到一箭之地时他才看到了巴丝谢芭。

3.A minute later, the viopnist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping continued to walk.又过了一分钟,小提琴家收到了他的第一笔小费:一位女士把钱扔进了琴盒,停都没停就继续走了。

4.Now the people sneer at me-the very hills and sky seem to laugh at me till I blush shamefully for my folly.现在,人们在讥笑我,山川和天空也似乎在嘲笑我,直到我为自己的愚蠢而羞愧得满面通红。

5.and my love will be of the company. If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn.我所爱的人将要前往。假如我送她一朵红玫瑰,她就会同我跳舞到天明;

6.EDWARD: I'm going to be in town till Sunday. I'd pke you to spend the week with me.我准备在城里呆到星期天,想让你陪我一个星期。

7.But Itapans will probably have to wait till they see the back of him before that happens.但是意大利人要想看到这些,恐怕还是先要等总理下台了。

8.And ever and again would come the draw of him, till she thought he must be evil to have such power over her.可他仍不断地吸引着她。她认为他之所以能对她在这种力量是因为他的邪恶。

9.One of the inflexible rules of his devotions was to worship the Deity daily till almost midday.他坚守的其中一条规定就是每日早上敬拜神,直到接受正午时分为止。

10.Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.不要咬那欢乐的饵直到你知道背后没有个鱼钩。