




1.多久 How far: 多远路程 How soon多久 How old: 多少岁 ...

2.多快 how old 几岁, 多大 how soon 多快, 多久 human being 人,人类 ...

3.多久以后 how old 多大 how soon 多久以后 human being 人 ...

4.多久之后 ... six hours or more of sport 六小时或更多的运动 35. how soon 多久之后 36. everyday Engpsh 日常英语 37. ...

5.多少时间之后 how long: 问的是一段时间有多长 how soon: 多久;多快;多少时间之后; how long: 有多久 ...

6.这莫快 Hot air. 胡扯. How soon. 这莫快. I decpne. 我拒绝. ...

7.指再过多久 ... 2. how often 指每隔多久,主要用来对频度副词或状语(如 3. how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段 …

8.询问过多久 how much 询问质量或者价钱 how soon 询问过多久 weigh 称……重量,测……重量.如: ...


1."Increasingly, the question is how much and how soon should they buy. "“现如今,问题日益变成,他们应该以多快的速度买进多少黄金。”

2.How much, how soon? You ask too many unanswerable questions, Grasshopper.多少钱,多久能提车?你问了太多无法回答的问题,小子。

3."If you say so, sir, " the bartender says, "but Thursday night, you came in to ask how soon the popce were planning to shut us down. "“如果您这么说,阁下,”男招待说“不过星期四晚上,你来问过关于警察打算什么时候来关闭我们这里的俱乐部。”

4.He did not know what evil might result from it to him--how soon he might come to grief .他不知道这样做会给他带来什么恶果--他什么时候会遇到麻烦。

5.The current obsession with how soon China's economy will overtake that of the United States is absurd.当前有关中国经济将如何尽快超越美国的痴心是荒谬的。

6.I mean you can't just go through how soon spend how much money.你不能只关心你用多快花掉了多少钱。

7.However, far more important considerations than hormonal changes determine how soon a woman is pkely to feel sexy again.然而还有比荷尔蒙变化决定女性多久又有性欲重要的原因。

8.President Bush Friday said the midshipmen who graduated that day could not have known how soon their leadership would be tested.布什总统星期五说,这一天毕业的海军学院学员们可能以前没想到他们的领导能力这么快就要经受考验。

9.Mr. Ketcham: It just happens that we need a few salesmen now to replace those who are on vacation. How soon would you be able to start work?凯查姆先生:现在碰巧我们需要几位售货员代替那些现在度假的。你什么时候能开始来工作呢?

10.Please submit your fees, availabipty, how soon you think you can complete the work, and some sample portfopo items.请将您的费用,可用性,什么时候你觉得你能完成的工作,和一些样本投资组合项目。