


美式发音: [ˌsi dʒeɪ ˈdi] 英式发音: [ˌsiː dʒeɪ ˈdiː]

abbr.克罗伊茨费尔特 — 雅各布病;痉挛性假性硬化克 — 雅病

网络释义:克雅氏病(Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease);库贾氏病;库贾氏症


cjdabbr.— see alsonew variant CJD

1.克罗伊茨费尔特 — 雅各布病;痉挛性假性硬化克 — 雅病Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

abbr.1.(=Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)克-雅二氏病(一种罕见,致命的海绵状病毒性脑病)

abbr.1.(=Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)

n.1.Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: a serious disease that gradually destroys your brain cells and causes death. Some types may be caused by eating meat from cows that have the disease BSE.

1.克雅氏病(Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)isease,nvCJD) 1996年前,普遍认为克雅氏病(CJD)只有三型,即散发型,家族型与医源型,其中散发型最常见占85


3.库贾氏症人类的库贾氏症(CJD)共分四种,sCJD (或cCJD)散发性(孤发性)的库贾氏症,由基因突变引起,vCJD新型(变异型)库贾氏症, …

4.贾氏病者(一)曾罹患库贾氏病者CJD)、曾注射人类脑下垂体生长荷尔蒙者、曾注射人类脑下垂体亲生殖腺素(human pituitary gon…

5.海绵状脑病ⅲ)许多疾病,如可传播性海绵状脑病(CJD), 肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS),还有帕金森氏 症(Parkinson's)等正是由于一些 …

例句释义:,克罗伊茨费尔特 — 雅各布病,痉挛性假性硬化克 — 雅病,库贾氏病,库贾氏症

1.But if an absence of healthy prion protein was severely detrimental, then we might have to rethink this therapeutic approach.但是如果能证明CJD确实是由小蛋白的缺失造成的,那么我们就会重新考虑治疗方法。

2.Switching off the gene in an adult brain, as would have to be done as a treatment for CJD, is a different matter.在人脑中切断这个基因,也许可能成为克雅氏病(CJD)的一种治疗方法,但是前后两者是不同的。

3.There was no proof that CJD could be transmitted through blood products.没有证据显示疯牛症可经血制品传染。

4.The focus is whether the CJD can be transmitted via blood transfusion or not.输血是否能传播克-雅病是目前研究的热点。

5.It will demand action to prevent future blood scandals, raising the issue of variant CJD - the human form of mad cow disease.这份报告将要求政府采取措施以防止未来的血液丑闻再次发生,同时提出有关变异型克雅氏病(vCJD)的观点,认为它是人类形式的疯牛病。

6.CJD is a progressive fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by prion proteins accumulating within the neurons.CJD是一种进行性致命性神经变性疾病,是由于朊病毒在神经元内堆积所致。

7.A patient suffering from Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD) complained of optical hallucinations, followed by feepngs of persecution.病人患有克雅氏病(病)抱怨光学幻觉,其次是感情的迫害。

8.We have evidence that the olfactory tracts and cortexes are frequently involved in sporadic CJD.现在有证据显示,嗅觉器官系统及脑皮层会出现偶发性CJD症状。

9.No one knew how many pituitary donors had been silently incubating CJD, or how many recipients were now set to die from it.没人知道有多少脑垂体供者已在静默中培育着CJD,也不知道有多少受害者目前已由此而走向死亡。

10.There is currently no treatment for prion diseases, which include CJD in humans and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle.目前还没有普粒子疾病的治疗办法,包括人类的克雅氏病(CJD)和牛脑海绵状病(疯牛病,BSE)。