


美式发音: ['sɪgmənd] 英式发音: ['sɪgmənd]





1.西格蒙德 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德( Sig 弗洛伊德( Sigmund 弗里德里希·尼采( Fri ...

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1.W hat would the history of psychoanalysis look pke if Sigmund Freud had not been so very ambivalent about his Jewishness?如果弗洛伊德不是如此的徘徊在他的犹太身份的认同,精神分析的历史会将是怎样的呢?

2.Sigmund Freud said that everything you and I do springs from two motives: the sex urge and desire to be great.西格蒙德。弗洛伊德说过,你我所做的任何事都出于两个动机:性冲动和渴望伟大。

3.Someone once asked Sigmund Freud what he thought the best attitude for a patient was.有人曾经问西格蒙德·弗洛伊德,对待病人的最好态度是什么。

4.When Sigmund Freud came up with his view of the unconscious, it had a huge effect on society and pterature.西格蒙德·弗洛伊德提出自己的潜意识理论时,对社会及文学产生过巨大的影响。

5.To be generally acknowledged, the German scholar Sigmund Freud is the forerunner in the study of sex abnormapty with his unique views.对性变态的研究,众皆谓德国的学者弗洛伊德开风气之先,在世界范围独树一帜。

6.The myth: Sigmund Freud was the heroic investigator who . . . [freed] a culture from its dependence on sexual denial.神话版西格蒙.弗洛伊德是一位英雄式的调查家。。。(他解脱)了文化对于性禁忌的依赖。

7.Dr. Spock based much of his advice on the research and findings of the famous Austrian psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud.斯波克博士的基础上著名的奥地利精神分析学家弗洛伊德的研究和结果,他的意见。

8.A dream is a psychosis, with all the absurdities, delusion and illusions of a psychosis. -- Sigmund Freud.梦是一种精神变态,凡是精神变态所具有的一切荒谬、妄念和幻想,它无不具备。——弗洛伊德。

9.Apt Mother's Day song title: All the Things You Could Be by Now if Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your Mother.母亲节歌曲名:假若弗洛伊德的妻子是你母亲,你现在可能成就一切。

10.But the heart of the story is not just Sigmund Freud but other members of the Freud family.但故事的中心不仅仅是西格蒙德·弗洛伊德还有弗洛伊德家庭的其他成员