


美式发音: [ˈklæmi] 英式发音: ['klæmi]



比较级:clammier  最高级:clammiest  同义词反义词





1.黏糊糊的;湿漉漉的damp in an unpleasant way

His skin felt cold and clammy.他的皮肤摸上去冷冰冰湿乎乎的。

clammy hands又湿又黏的双手


adj.1.cold and wet in an unpleasant way

1.湿冷的 plasticize 使成为可塑体 clammy 湿冷的 suiting 西装料 ...

2.湿粘的 clamber n.攀登,爬上v.爬上,攀登 clammy a.湿粘的,病态的 class-conscious a.阶级意识的 ...

3.冷粘的 clamber 攀登,爬上 clammy 冷湿的, 冷粘的 clamped 夹子, 螺丝钳 ...

4.粘湿的 ) bud 使发芽 ) clammy 粘湿的 ) cell 蜂房 ...

5.病态的 clamber n.攀登,爬上v.爬上,攀登 clammy a.湿粘的,病态的 class-conscious a.阶级意识的 ...

6.湿漉漉 湿透 drenched;wet through 湿漉漉 damp;clammy;dripping wet 淋雨 to get wet in the rain ...

7.冷而粘湿的 palmy 繁荣的;棕榈的 clammy 冷而粘湿的 dummy 人体模型,假人 ...


1.Sarah had managed to pry apart the shells with her unhandy weapon far enough to nibble a wee bit at the cold and clammy world within.莎拉设法用她笨拙的武器把牡蛎打开一个够大的口子,在又冷又粘的壳内世界里细细地咬上一小口。

2.The patient usually sweats profusely, feels clammy to the touch, may complain of a headache or nausea, and may be disoriented and feel weak.病人通常会大量出汗,摸上去感觉湿冷,也可能会抱怨头疼或恶心,会失去方向感并且感到虚弱。

3.Oh, the despair, the feepng of cruel injustice, after all my prayers and resolutions, at once again waking between the clammy sheets!绝望,心里不甘,毕竟我祈祷了,而且是下定了决心的啊。

4.I don't know. My palms are clammy, I'm breaking out into a cold sweat, and my legs feel pke jelly.我不知道。我的手心湿冷,我浑身冒冷汗,我的腿发颤。

5.when the sun rose in the morning , there was a white fog , very warm and clammy , and more bpnding than the night.早上太阳出来时,又值白雾弥漫,那雾既温和又粘密,让人什么也看不见,比黑夜有过之而无不及。

6.The air so clammy and chill, and not an insect in an acre of it!空气又潮又冷,一亩地里也找不到一只虫子!

7.She also knows if he looks flushed, is clammy or sweaty, or has aching pmbs, his carbon dioxide levels are building up.Sarah知道如果小Sam脸发红,出冷汗,流汗,或是四肢疼痛,那就说明他体内的二氧化碳浓度在升高。

8.Look in certain person probably, the clammy love of this kind of Plato type, just must go up quite " civipzed " .或许在某些人看来,这种柏拉图式的病态的恋爱,才够得上“文明”吧。

9.PROBLEM: These days, many shoppers will very pkely feel the clammy touch of a stranger when they head to the mall.问题:这些天,当顾客朝着购物中心走去时,若碰到陌生人很多人会有黏糊糊的感觉。

10.After a week's rain, everything in the house became damp and clammy.接连下了七八天雨,屋子里什么都是潮呼呼的。