


美式发音: [kɔrn] 英式发音: [kɔː(r)n]




复数:corns  搭配同义词

v.+n.grow corn,buy corn,produce corn,plant corn,harvest corn





n.1.a tall plant with large yellow seeds on a cobthick piece of stem. The usual British word is maize.; the seeds of a corn plant that are cooked as food or fed to animals2.a small piece of hard skin on your foot that is painful

1.康宁导厂商,服务全球的建筑、电气及IT产品,两个多月前康宁(Corning)公司发布了其以“A Day Made of Glass”命名的形象宣传片。

2.康宁公司康宁公司Corning)最快将在今年推出用于手机设备的可弯曲玻璃边缘。该公司还在对超薄弯曲玻璃Willow Glass进行改进, …

3.美国康宁美国康宁corning)公司,Transwell 8um膜孔径,24孔板。可一块板销售。

4.美国康宁公司美国康宁公司CORNING) 全球最大的光纤生产商 美国康宁公司官方网站网址:http://www.corning网址被屏蔽/ 英文 美国康宁公司官 …

5.科宁科宁(Corning) 西经77.03 北纬42.09 UTC/GMT-05:00科特兰(Cortland) 西经76.11 北纬42.36 UTC/GMT-05:00敦刻尔克(Dunkirk…

6.玻璃基板厂康宁全球最大玻璃基板厂康宁(Corning)台中厂昨(10.19)日发生断电意外,导致高达五座熔炉停止生产,使得玻璃与面板同步减量供 …

7.玻璃大厂康宁全球玻璃大厂康宁Corning)宣布,旗下强化玻璃产品又再下一城,南韩三星电子最新推出的顶级智慧型手机Galaxy S,在设 …

8.康宁玻璃先去康宁玻璃Corning)的Outlets,各种防碎防摔的勺碟盘碗看了一圈,最终我用“价格不够低,折扣不够好”的借口把LD忽悠 …


1.It was incredibly strong, but it had never found a market, so Corning quit making it.硬得让人难以置信,但是却没有市场,所以Corning公司已经不再生产。

2.Thus, what came out of our lab was a fresh composition that we patented as Corning Gorilla Glass.因此,我们实验室生产的玻璃是一种新型混合物,我们以康宁Gorila玻璃获得专利。

3.This turned Jobs around, and he said he wanted as much gorilla glass as Corning could make within six months.乔布斯服了,他说六个月内,Corning能生产多少钢化玻璃,他就要多少。

4.In 197o, researchers at Corning Glass Works were able to produce a kilometer-long ultrapure optical fiber.1970年,康宁玻璃厂的研究者们能生产出了光可以穿行1千米的超纯光纤。

5."The big problem was that the coating on the glass flaked and fell off, " says Pete Bocko of Corning, a glass company in New York state.纽约州康宁玻璃公司的皮特•博克古说:“玻璃涂层存在的大问题是,涂层成片状脱落。”

6.Manufacturing glass for the iPhone revived a Corning factory in Kentucky, and today, much of the glass in iPhones is still made there.为苹果生产iPhone的玻璃,让康宁在肯塔基州的工厂重获新生。今天,大部分的iPhone玻璃仍在这里生产。

7.When Ms. Rothenburgh learned she had cancer, she was working as a waitress in Bath, a small town outside Corning, N. Y.当Rothenburgh得知自己身患癌症时,她正在纽约康宁郊外的一个名叫Bath的小镇做服务员。

8.In fact, Purex used to be manufactured in the Corning factory near the current Museum of Glass.位于现在的玻璃博物馆旁的科宁工厂过去曾生产国这种乐器。

9."For Corning, the growth story is three to five years and I've got confidence in Gorilla Glass, " Anderson concluded.安德森总结表示:「对康宁来说,成长期间为三到五年,而且我对金刚玻璃深具信心。」

10.We've written to Corning to see whether this is a possibipty, so watch this space for an update.我们已经写信给康宁询问是否有上述的可能性,若有任何消息会更新至此文中。