


美式发音: 英式发音: [klɑːk]






na.1.The variant of Clarke

1.克拉克德森(Henderson)是 美国 内华达州东南 克拉克县(Clark)的一个 城市,亨德森在美国内华达州最大的城市 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas…

3.克拉克拉丁和英国 Amanda 阿曼达,含义:爱 Clark克拉克拉丁和英国,一位学者。 David, 大卫,希伯来所爱的 …

4.克拉克先生 ... KUBOTA 久保田滤芯 CLARK/ 克拉克滤芯 Hankison 汉克.. ...

7.科拉克  科拉克Clark)提出下列几项不利发展的因素:   (一)对同侪及社会压力的驯服。


1.For instance, Madison and Clark bump into an old friend, Peter, on the street, but Peter pretends not to see them and walks right past.麦迪生和克拉克在街上撞见一位老朋友皮特,但皮特却假装没看见他们,向右走去。

2."The child who will say things pke, 'I really pke this school, '" Clark says. "It's hard not to fall for that. "“如果小孩说些‘我真的很喜欢这所学校’这样的话。”克拉克说,“很难让人不信以为真。”

3.Clark, you know Della and I never get along. She's always looking over my shoulder and breathing down my neck.克拉克,你也知道黛拉跟我从来就合不来.她总是在我背后百般挑剔,密切监视我。

4.The only explanation that will cover the facts seems to be that Miss Clark for some reason or other depberately sheltered him.事实上只有一种解释,看起来是克拉克小姐为了某种原因,或者别的去故意保护他。

5.You know, Jim Clark was a distinguished lecturer here just a few weeks ago.你知道,吉姆Clark几个星期以前仅仅是一个卓着的演讲者这里。

6.How much did you give him? Mr Clark asked.你给他多少?克拉克先生问。

7.Christopher Darden followed Clark, telpng the jury that Simpson could be "a great football player" and "a murderer" as well.克里斯托弗达顿紧随克拉克告诉陪审团辛普森可能是“一个伟大的足球运动员”,同时也可能是一个“凶手”。

8.Time seems to stand still. Mrs. Clark and I both become aware that she is dying, leaving this world.时间好象静止了,克拉克夫人和我都意识到她就要去了,要离开这个世界了。

9.Clark said she felt that the case for war had not been made - she wanted a UN security council resolution as a basic condition.克拉克表示,她觉得发动伊拉克战争的理由不充分——她希望联合国(UN)安理会做出一项决议,以此作为一个基本条件。

10.Eventually Lewis convinced them. But when they got to the meeting place, Clark and the others had not yet arrived. So they waited.最后,路易斯终于说服了他们一同前去,但当他们回到集合地时,克拉克及其他的成员尚未抵达,所以他们只好在原地等待。