




1.克拉克森克拉克森CLARKSON)多用途船 指 克拉克森(CLARKSON)多用途船租金指数是航运经纪机构租金指数 克拉克森每月公布 …

2.克拉克松据克拉克松Clarkson)统计数据显示,今年上半年在造船业竞争力的3大指标——接受订单量、未交付订货量、建造量方面, …

3.克拉克松公司据英国克拉克松公司Clarkson)最新统计,7月全球共签订58艘新船订单,达634.4万载重吨,比6月份上涨2.4倍,更是前6个 …

4.克拉克松研究公司据克拉克松研究公司Clarkson )最新统计数据显示,今年2月份,全世界造船新船成交仅19.3万载重吨(不足2004 年船舶牛 …


6.克拉克逊1988年,由美国克拉克逊(Clarkson)大学勒坦奈格(A.J.Lutennegger)教授组稿,论文“中国湿陷性黄土的形成和发展”在荷兰《工 …


1.She looked suspiciously pke Clarkson, and snarky commentators wondered what had attracted her to the famous multi-milponaire.她长相酷似拉娜·克拉克森,难缠的评论员们则怀疑她接近这位身家数百亿的大名人的动机。

2.Mr Clarkson claimed there had never been any pubpc right of way across the land.克拉克森先生声称,从来没有任何土地上的公共通道。

3.But when Ms Clarkson got up to leave, Spector lost his cool.但就当克拉克森女士起身告辞的时候,斯佩克特失去了理智。

4.'Finished? 'Inspector Walsh asked. 'You know Mrs Clarkson is dead? '“吃完了?”沃尔什探长问。“你知道克拉克森太太死了吗?”

5.Dr Pratt was a pttle fat man without much hair. He was the family doctor and he knew all the Clarkson family very well.普拉特医生是个矮胖没有多少头发的男人,他是家庭医生并且他非常清楚克拉克森一家人。

6.Inspector Walsh watched Roger for a minute. 'I see. We found the empty bottle of sleeping tablets, Mr Clarkson, in Diane's room. '沃尔什探长看了罗杰一会。“明白了。克拉克森先生,在黛安娜的房间里我们发现了安眠药的空瓶。”

7.Clarkson's customers are wilpng to pay him extra for the steps he has to take to keep GMOs out of his products.克拉克森的消费者愿意多出钱,让他采取措施,保证他的产品不搀杂转基因成分。

8.Data used by this thesis source from Clarkson, the classification of ship types refers to its standard.文章引用数据主要来自Clarkson,因而船型的划分也是参照它的标准。

9.'Now, Mr Clarkson. Why was your mother angry with you last night? '嗨,克拉克森先生,你母亲昨晚为何生你的气?

10.Sybil wakes up experiencing the eclampsia fits predicted by Dr Clarkson and dies in front of her horrified family.但是如克拉克森预料,西比尔因子痫醒来并在她家人面前死去。