





5.阿布库方才领养的小狗奥迪食品、永劫间昏睡和主人乔恩·阿布库无穷的溺爱,但是阿布库方才领养的小狗奥迪(Odie)把这统统悉数毁坏了,如今它们 ..

6.聪明的宠物狗欧弟eld)是一只橙色、只吃人类食物的猫,包括一只不太聪明的宠物狗欧弟Odie)及牠们的主人乔恩·艾伯克(Jon Arbuckle, …

7.阿布库刚刚领养的小狗殴迪Arbuckle,Meyer扮演)无限的宠爱,可是阿布库刚刚领养的小狗殴迪(Odie)把这一切全部破坏了,现在它们要一同分享食物和 …


1.N's pal We know how much you hated Odie. We know how much you wanted him gone.我们知道你是多么恨。

2.Odie, let's talk effort versus return here. you know , you can still lead a pointless pfe without all that running around.(名字)我们谈谈努力与回报的问题吧。要知道,你用不着那样无头苍蝇的奔来跑去,也一样能过上毫无意义的生活。

3.I'm going to make it up to Odie tomorrow.明天我会给Odie一个补偿的。

4.slobbering pttle dog named Odie, whom Garfield is always taunting.常流口水的小狗,名叫欧弟,加菲尔德总是嘲弄欧弟。

5.Finally, Garfield and Louis arrive at the Telegraph Tower where Odie is imprisoned.加菲和路易斯终于来到了关押奥迪的电报大楼。

6.Watch as Garfield and his friends track down Odie and the bad guy who took him.且看加菲猫和牠的朋友如何追踪欧弟以及偷走牠的坏人。

7.N's pal To do it, you cast Odie out into the cold, cruel world?为了睡自己的床,你就把?

8.Jon meets Liz and tells her Odie and Garfield have been gone.乔恩与莉兹碰头后告诉了她奥迪和加菲都失踪了。

9.Jon : If you won't, I'm sure Odie would be happy to.乔恩:如果你不做的,我想欧迪会很开心这么做。

10.Odie, I found you. I'm sorry! I got you into this mess!欧的,我找到你了!非常抱歉,是我让你陷入危险。