




1.泥人 绢花 Silk flower 泥人 Clay figurine 风筝 Kite ...

2.泥塑 papercut 剪纸 clay figurine 泥塑 cloisonné 景泰蓝 ...

3.泥雕 法琅 enamel 泥雕 clay figurine 折扇 folding fan ...

4.粘土雕像 ... Carving Crafts 雕刻工艺品 Clay Figurine 粘土雕像 Crystal 水晶制品 ...

5.泥塑工艺品 Cigars 雪茄 Clay Figurine 泥塑工艺品 Genuine Leather 真皮 ...

6.用粘土捏成的人的形象 [ able person ] 有才能的人 [ clay figurine ] 用粘土捏成的人的形象 ...


1.The woman here is called " red clay figurine " .这里的女子被称为“红泥人”。

2.The Daijiaytun and Xigaoqiao of Yutian county of Tangshan area is famous township of a clay figurine far and near.唐山玉田县的戴家屯、西高桥一带,是远近驰名的泥人之乡。

3.Enjoy the clay figurine, figurines and other items of non-material cultural heritage exhibitions.欣赏到了泥人、面塑等各种非物质文化遗产项目的展览展示。

4.Clay figurine must be baked in kiln which is 700 Celsius Degree in temperature, then be burnished and cleaned up, finally it can be painted.“泥人”彻底干燥后要入窑烘烧,温度要达700摄氏度左右,出窑后经打磨、整理即可着色。

5.After the People's Repubpc of China is estabpshed, under the people's government supports and helps, clay figurine art has been inherited.中华人民共和国成立以后,在人们政府支持和帮助下,泥人艺术得到了继承。

6.We are playing a small telescope soil Josef clay figurine made of cement platform是我们玩泥土涅泥人做小车望远镜的水泥平台

7.Research on Connotation of Wuxi Mountain Hui Clay Figurine无锡惠山泥人意蕴研究

8.He went home, there's cultivated clay figurine ox早起的耕泥人还有那头老黄牛

9.Chinese Color Clay Figurine (the Series of Xu Huadang's Works)中国彩塑泥人(徐华铛作品系列)

10.The Wuxi Hui clay figurine co无锡惠山泥人之恭喜娃娃