


美式发音: [ˈlɑŋə] 英式发音: [ˈlæŋə]





1.朗格ftswoche )的一项票选活动中,德国腕表品牌朗格Lange)击败迈巴赫、保时捷及一众奢侈品牌三度蝉联榜首。

2.兰格 Giggs (吉克斯)... Lange (完美朗格)... M. I. A. (米雅)... ...

4.蓝格 Rothe);如杜诺(I.A.Dorner),如兰兀Lange);如范郎端斋(Van Oosterzee);如马敦生(Martensen);如艾勃拉…

7.兰芝 (Joppn, Scott) 斯科特,乔普林 (Lange) 兰芝 (Lanner, Josef) 约瑟夫,兰纳 ...


1.But if you can think of surplus funds may be a dream to see Lange makeup, I also heard there in a purchasing a good match Lange!不过你要是资金富余也可以思索看看兰芝或许是梦妆,我也是在一个代购那里听说的兰芝比拟不错!

2.Doctor Lange says that, in time, the test might be able to identify autism in children under three.兰格博士表示将来这项测试可能能检测三岁以下儿童是否患有自闭症。

3."The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. " Dorothea Lange.相机是一种工具,可以教人们如何不用镜头去看世界。

4.The trouble is, says Axel Lange, the company's founder, combustion engines are noisy, vibrate a lot and require plenty of maintenance.公司的创始人AxelLange说,问题在于,内燃机工作噪音大,有震动并且需要足够的保养。

5.Even though she was against the popcy of imprisoning Japanese Americans during the war, Lange photographed the people in these camps.虽然兰格反对战时关押日裔美人的政策,但她仍前去拍摄住在这些营区内的人们。

6.However , Ms Lange bepeves that this disadvantage is offset by the development of global management skills through onpne interaction .然而,兰格认为,通过在线互动,全球管理技能的发展会抵消这一劣势。

7.Lange agreed to take photographs in the camps because she hoped that once people saw what was happening, the internment would stop.兰格同意拍摄营区照片是因为她希望一旦人们看见现在正在发生的事,拘留就能够停止。

8.Let me extend our special thanks to Ambassador Golberg and Retired Ambassador Lange for their leadership of this high-level group.请允许我特别感谢Golberg大使和已退休的Lange大使领导了本高级别小组。

9.Lange has been a paper called "the bridal chamber, " engraving of Qijiang farmers deeply attracted.朗格文被一幅名为《闹洞房》的綦江农民版画深深吸引。

10.More broadly, Dr Lange wants the value of the environment to be integrated into national and local accounting.更广泛的,拉格博士希望将环境价值纳入国家和地方核算。