


美式发音: [ˈkletn] 英式发音: [ˈkleitn]





1.克莱顿 Clay 克莱 Clayton 克来顿 Clement 克莱门特 ...

7.克雷顿区 Clarks Hill 克拉克斯维尔 Clayton 克林顿 Columbia City 哥伦布 ...


1.Senator John Clayton of Delaware proposed to the Senate that it name a special committee on the question of slavery in the new territories.特拉华州联邦参议员约翰.克莱顿建议参议院成立一个专门委员会,研究解决新领土上的奴隶制问题。

2.Clayton Fredericks, a former world champion, said he was impressed by Alex when he started coaching him as a boy.前世界冠军克莱顿弗雷德里科斯说,他在华天还是个男孩时开始训练他,那时就对他印象很深。

3.Clayton is a crime scene investigator and a forensic scientist -- he has no training in proper interview techniques. Mr.克莱顿是一名犯罪现场调查员兼法医,但并没有受过询问技巧的相关训练。

4.Britain's Tilda Swinton was named best supporting actress for her role as a ruthless corporate attorney in the thriller Michael Clayton.英国女演员蒂尔达.斯温顿获得最佳女配角奖。她在惊悚片《迈克尔.克莱顿》中扮演一个铁石心肠的公司律师。

5.Hosting the night is one of Malta's finest radio DJs Clayton J. A night definitely not to be missed by dance music enthusiasts.托管的夜晚,是马耳他最好的电台DJ们绝对不能错过舞蹈音乐爱好者的克莱顿研究一个晚上之一。

6."It's such a startpng rise, " said Dr. Paula Clayton, the medical director of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.美国自杀预防基金会的医学主任保克莱顿博士说,“这是如此惊人的增长。”

7.Clayton's team could demonstrate that this was how it was done by studying the sites' logs.克莱顿的小组通过研究网站的日志揭示了这种攻击的原理。

8.Richard Clayton, a computer-security expert at Cambridge University who has taken a close look at Phorm's systems, did not pke what he saw.剑桥大学计算机安全专家RichardClayton他在近距离观看了Phorm系统之后否决了自己所见到的一切。

9.Quite a while ago Clayton Christensen of Harvard has mainstreamed the term "disruptive innovations" .不久前,哈佛大学的ClaytonChristensen使“破坏性创新”一词成为主流。

10.I talked with Clayton freely, for I met him in the news meeting the night before.因为在前一晚上的新闻发布会上聊过,我便与克雷顿轻松地聊了起来。