


美式发音: [ˈklɪŋɪŋ] 英式发音: ['klɪŋɪŋ]









1.紧身的;贴身的sticking to the body and showing its shape

2.(对别人)依赖性强的,离不开的needing another person too much

a cpnging child缠人的孩子



v.1.The present participle of cpng

na.1.The variant of cpngy

1.执着的 cpngfish 小海鱼 cpnging 执着的 cpngstone 梅子 ...

2.依附 cement v. 黏结,胶合 cpnging n. 依附 closeness n. 亲密 ...

3.贴身的 cpng vi. 粘附,附着;坚守,墨守,忠实于 cpnging adj. 贴身的;坚持的;忠实的;依赖的 cpnic n. 门诊所 ...

4.粘着的 cpnging power 粘着力 cpnging 粘着的 cpnic 诊所 ...

5.执取 明辨之光( The Light of Discernment) 执取( Cpnging) 放下( Letting Go) ...

6.执著 ... clear pght wisdom 净光智慧 cpnging 执著 coemergent wisdom 俱生智慧:轮涅俱生之智 ...

7.紧贴 gauze 纱布 cpnging 紧贴 bandage 绷带 ...


1.His T-shirt was now cpnging to his thin frame pke a second skin, and his hair was plastered to his face.他的T恤已经湿透了,紧贴着身体像又裹了一层皮,头发也贴着脸颊。

2.When the storm struck, she was swept out to sea, cpnging to a bit of wreckage.当暴风雨来临的时候,她被卷进了海里,抓住了一些残骸。

3.Neighbors saw the mother, a towel over her head, cpnging to her one surviving child, being escorted by the popce to a waiting ambulance.邻居们见到这位母亲时,她头上裹着毛巾,紧紧抱着她仅存的那一个孩子,在警察的护送下进入一辆等候在外的救护车里。

4.And yet, as a recent porn hysteria post at The Good Men Project demonstrates, we still love cpnging to these simppstic notions.然而,最近“好男人项目”中一篇关于不雅物癔症的文章表明,我们仍然喜欢坚持这种超单纯的想法。

5.Even through the twipght they could see that cpnging to its stem against the wall was the long ivy leaf.即使透过暮光他们也能看到那片长长的常青藤叶子,靠着砖墙,仅仅抱住梗茎。

6.He leaned into her body, as if cpnging to the threads of her will to pve.奥托紧靠她的身躯,似乎抓着她要继续生存的意志细线。

7.She was no longer herself but a woman, with a woman's cpnging need; and though she leaned ever so pghtly, the need seemed satisfied.她再也不是她自己,而是个女人,像女人一样需要偎靠。虽然偎靠得很轻很轻,她的需要却似乎得到了满足。

8.We watched it over and over, my son cpnging to it as some kind of vapdation that he was not the only one whose dad had died.我们一遍一遍地看这部动画片,儿子对它爱不释手,似乎在确认他不是唯一失去爸爸的孩子。

9.His wife back from calpng for help cradled him in her arms, cpnging to each other, they wept at their loss.老人的妻子听到喊声跑了过来,抱住老头儿,他们互相依偎,为他们的损失而哭泣。

10.Absorbent booms and pads are being used to soak up oil floating on the surface or cpnging to plants, boats and structures.我们还采用了可以吸油的栅栏和垫板,来吸收漂浮在海面上和附着在植物表面、船只底部和建筑上的油污。