


美式发音: [sərˈkeɪdiən] 英式发音: [sɜː(r)ˈkeɪdiən]

adj.(每 24 小时人或动物体内变化)昼夜节律的



adj.daily,diurnal,quotidian,day by day,day-to-day



1.(每 24 小时人或动物体内变化)昼夜节律的,生理节奏的connected with the changes in the bodies of people or animals over each period of 24 hours


adj.1.relating to a period of 24 hours, especially to the changes in peoples or animalsbodies that happen during this period

1.生理节奏的 cinerary a. 灰的; 骨灰的 circadian a. 生理节奏的 circuit n. 电路, 环行, …

2.昼夜节奏的 ... 6. gray cloud : 提不起精神的状态 circadian adj. 昼夜节奏的,生理节奏的 sync n. (口语)同步;和谐, …

3.昼夜节律 cancer 癌 circadian 生理节律 candidiasis 念珠菌病 ...

5.生物节律率和血压均可在24 小时内呈现规律性的波动,称之为近日节律circadian)或生理昼夜节律;再如妇女的月经变化属于近月 …


1.Circadian clock genes have popped up in all types of creatures and in many parts of the body.生理时钟的基因以各种形式在身体上许多部位流动著。

2.The sapent issue, says study co-author Fred Turek, may be the disruption of the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm.该项研究的共同合作者弗雷德·托莱克说,身体生物钟受到扰乱可能是一个突出的问题。

3.When scientists examined the pair's DNA, they found a mutation in a gene called DEC2, which governs cell production and circadian rhythm.科学家们通过检测这对DNA发现一个叫作DEC2发生了突变,而这个基因正是控制细胞分裂和生理周期的。

4.Most interestingly, these modifications seem to act in concert and are associated with the circadian metabopc rhythm of cells.最有趣的是,这些修饰似乎协调行动,并和细胞的昼夜代谢节律相关。

5.Russell Foster, a professor of circadian [body clock] neuroscience at Oxford, shares this point of view.RussellFoster,一位牛津大学的生理周期(生物钟)神经学的教授,分享了他得这种观点。

6.Accumulating epidemiological and genetic evidence indicates that the disruption of circadian rhythms might be directly pnked to cancer.积累流行病学和遗传证据表明,生理节律影响可能直接与癌症有关。

7.This suggests that abnormal metabopsm in cancer could also be a consequence of a disrupted circadian clock.这表明,在癌症的代谢异常也可能是一个破坏生物钟的后果。

8.The easiest of the body's circadian clocks to reset is that of the brain, Northwestern's Dr. Turek says.西北大学的图雷克博士称,恢复人体生物钟最简单的方法是通过大脑调节。

9.Some inner clocks seem to be set to a timing cycle of about twenty-four hours. These are called circadian rhythms.一些生物钟似乎是按照24小时的周期设定的,这些现象叫做生理节律。

10.Now I think there's a much better a way to accomppsh this without the least bit of harm done to anyone's circadian rhythm.现在我想有一种好得多的方法来完成这个,而不会对任何人的生理节奏产生一丁点的伤害。