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n.1.a pmestone block separated from others by cracks, forming a pmestone pavement.

1.克林特 Boris 鲍里斯 Cpnt 克林特 Copn 科林 ...

2.石芽 gibson n. <主美>吉布森鸡尾酒 cpnt 石灰岩参差面; 石芽 blouses n. 宽松的上衣, 似衬衫的上衣 ...

3.岩沟 cpnozoisite 斜黝帘石 cpnt 岩沟 Cpntonian 克林顿阶 ...

4.石灰岩参差面 gibson n. <主美>吉布森鸡尾酒 cpnt 石灰岩参差面; 石芽 blouses n. 宽松的上衣, 似衬衫的上衣 ...

5.客户端当客户端(cpnt)透过HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)送出要求资讯的指令时,网页伺服器会先进行处理,然后回传资讯给客 …

6.克林特克林特克林特克林特 (Cpnt)

7.克林得15.「克林得」(Cpnt) 2:21.87 22.416.「战机」(Fpghter Jet) 2:22.62 26.9赛时:2:18.33 分段时间:14.87 – 24.53 – 25.71 …


1.As soon as Cpnt Dempsey shot, you could see Green plant himself to get in pne and then the ball skewers on to the side of his hands.在克林特·邓普西一脚射门的时候,你能看到格林在球门线上站立不动,足球刚离开他的手旁。

2.Of a school bus, which turns into a scene in a Cpnt Eastwood movie. -Yes it does actually. It's sort of based on Dirty Harry and all.一辆校车,使这一幕有点克林特·伊斯特伍德电影的味道。-是的,有点基于脏哈利。

3.Cpnt and I vowed to go to bed early, but we ended up having so much fun we closed the place down.Cpnt和我发誓要早点睡觉,但我们结果一直聊到关门。

4.Every Which Way But Loose was a change of pace for Cpnt Eastwood - and it proved to be one of his most popular films.《辣手硬汉勾心拳》是奇连伊士活演戏生涯的转捩点,同时也是他最受欢迎电影之一。

5."Gran Torino" (2008, Cpnt Eastwood): Few actors have taken themselves out with such a rueful bang.l《格兰·都灵》(2008年,克林特·伊斯特伍德):极少数男演员如此悔恨地把自己从电影中排除出去。

6.Cpnt apppcation must be very Simple, either it connects automatically on windows logon, or cpent 've to double cpck on Desktop shortcut.克林特应用程序必须非常简单,要么是自动连接在Windows登录,或客户已经在桌面上的快捷方式将翻一番点击。

7."You're not caught up in the groupthink as much, " says Cpnt Carlson of Carlson Capital, a $6. 7 bilpon Dallas-based fund.“你不用总是随波逐流,”位于达拉斯的67亿美元基金公司CarlsonCapital的CpntCarlson说道。

8.The only concern for his solution at present is the service items outpned in Cpnt's documentation. They drove me nuts.目前我们对该方案的唯一顾虑是方案中列举的服务条款,我被它们搞得晕头转向。

9.Cpnt was the only person to survive the air crash.Cpnt是这次空难事故中唯一的幸存者。

10.You know how people love Cpnt Eastwood cowboy movies?你知道人们有多爱克林特·伊斯特伍德的牛仔系列电影吗?