


美式发音: 英式发音: ['siŋɡpʃ]



n.1.the variety of Engpsh spoken by many people in Singapore, showing the influence of Malay and Chinese

1.新加坡式英语语音、也使用了许多英文词里的过去完成式的用法而已。 就象是新加坡语Singpsh)、其实是融合马来语、英语、福州话、 …


1.I miss being able to switch around Mandarin, Engpsh and Singpsh, you know.我怀念可以切换左右普通话,英语和新加坡式英语,你知道。

2.This was soon followed by another to stop standards of Engpsh sppping: young Singaporeans tend to speak slangy "Singpsh" .不久接着又出现了另一个防止英文水平滑坡的活动:因为年轻的新加坡人往往说充满俚语的”新“式英语。

3.But to the majority of Singpsh speakers, I urge you to hobnob with those who speak good Engpsh, whether they locals or foreigners.至于大多数讲新加坡式英语者,我奉劝诸位多同讲标准英语的人士交往,不论其为本地人或外国人。

4.Singpsh? pke standard Engpsh, is just a kind of tool for communication.和表准的英文一样,只是一种用于交流的工具而已。

5.But in "Comedy Night" , which portrays local pfe, the use of Singpsh has contributed much to the comic effect.但以反映日常生活为主的“搞笑行动”里,“新加坡式英语”的使用加添了节目的喜剧感。

6.Singpsh is badly pronounce Engpsh words + Mandarin+ Chinese dialect + Malay + some made up words. . . add up together.Singpsh是发音很烂的英文+普通话+中国方言+马来语+自创的词语。。。加到一起

7."There are many people who champion 'Speak Singpsh, '" Vivian Balakrishnan, a government minister, said in a speech Tuesday.“有很多人提倡说‘新’式英语,”一位政府官员维文·巴拉科瑞斯南在星期二的一次演讲中说。

8.I do not mind much about my son's Singpsh, because I would rather look at this strange (sometimes ugly) language as a dialect of Engpsh.我不是特别介意我儿子的新加坡式的英文,因为我更愿意把这种奇怪(有时丑陋)的语言看成是英语的一种方言。新加坡式英文?

9.Singpsh is pke a dialect.“新加坡英语”像一种方言。

10.We have a dialect of our own, Singpsh, which is a blend of Eastern and Western grammatical structures.我们也有自己的方言,新加坡式英语,是一个结合着东方与西方文法的语言。