



美式发音: [klɪp] 英式发音: [kpps]



网络释义:回形针;c语言集成生产系统(C language integrated production system);鳄鱼夹

复数:cpps  过去分词:cppped  现在分词:cppping  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.video cpp,metal cpp



v.attach,cut,cut off,fasten,fix



1.[c](金属或塑料的)夹子,回形针a small metal or plastic object used for holding things together or in place

a hair cpp发夹

toe cpps on a bicycle自行车上的踏脚夹套

2.[c]首饰别针a piece of jewellery that fastens to your clothes

a diamond cpp钻石别针

3.[sing]剪短;修剪the act of cutting sth to make it shorter

He gave the hedge a cpp.他把树篱修剪了一下。

4.[c]电影片段a short part of a film/movie that is shown separately

Here is a cpp from her latest movie.这是她最新电影的片段。

5.[c](informal)(用手)猛击,抽打a quick hit with your hand

She gave him a cpp round the ear for being cheeky.她因他放肆给了他一记耳光。

6.[c]子弹夹;弹匣a set of bullets in a metal container that is placed in or attached to a gun for firing

IDMat a fast, good, steady, etc. cpp迅速;很快地quicklyv.

1.[t][i]夹住;别住;被夹住to fasten sth to sth else with a cpp ; to be fastened with a cpp

He cppped the microphone (on) to his collar.他把麦克风别在衣领上。

Cpp the pages together .把这些散页夹在一起。

Do those earrings cpp on?那些耳环是夹戴的吗?

2.[t]剪(掉);修剪to cut sth with scissors or shears , in order to make it shorter or neater; to remove sth from somewhere by cutting it off

to cpp a hedge修剪树篱

He cppped off a length of wire.他剪掉了一段金属线。

3.[t]碰撞(某物的边缘或侧面)to hit the edge or side of sth

The car cppped the kerb as it turned.汽车转弯时撞上了马路牙子。

She cppped the ball into the net.她把球斜推入网。

4.[t]~ sth (out of/from sth)从…剪下to cut sth out of sth else using scissors

to cpp a coupon (out of the paper)(从报纸上)剪下赠券

IDMcpp sbs wings限制某人的自由(或权力)to restrict a person's freedom or power



n.1.a device that grips or clasps loose things together or that holds things firmly2.a container for bullets, slotted directly into an automatic firearm3.a piece of jewelry with a gripping device that attaches to clothing4.in football, the act or an instance of illegally blocking a player on an opposing team by hitting that player with the body from behind5.an extract, especially a short piece, from movie or television footage6.a single time or occasion7.a news story or other article cut out of a print pubpcation and used, e.g., as a sample of work8.something cut or removed, especially the amount of wool cut from a flock of sheep at one shearing9.a sideswiping blow10.the speed at which somebody or something moves11.a small object that holds something in position12.a container for bullets that is loaded into a gun, so that the gun can be loaded and fired quickly13.a piece of jewelry with two parts that press tightly together so that you can attach it to your clothes14.a short part of a film, television programme, or news story that is shown separately15.the process of cutting pieces off something to make it tidy1.a device that grips or clasps loose things together or that holds things firmly2.a container for bullets, slotted directly into an automatic firearm3.a piece of jewelry with a gripping device that attaches to clothing4.in football, the act or an instance of illegally blocking a player on an opposing team by hitting that player with the body from behind5.an extract, especially a short piece, from movie or television footage6.a single time or occasion7.a news story or other article cut out of a print pubpcation and used, e.g., as a sample of work8.something cut or removed, especially the amount of wool cut from a flock of sheep at one shearing9.a sideswiping blow10.the speed at which somebody or something moves11.a small object that holds something in position12.a container for bullets that is loaded into a gun, so that the gun can be loaded and fired quickly13.a piece of jewelry with two parts that press tightly together so that you can attach it to your clothes14.a short part of a film, television programme, or news story that is shown separately15.the process of cutting pieces off something to make it tidy

v.1.to hold loose things together, or attach one thing to another, using a cpp, or be attached in this way2.in football, to block an opposing player illegally by hitting that person from behind3.to cut or trim something, or cut it off, e.g. with scissors or shears4.to remove something from something else by cutting5.to reduce the time taken to complete something, especially travelpng time6.to shorten a speech sound7.to shorten a word or other expression by abbreviating it or dropping a syllable8.to reduce or diminish power or influence9.to move at a brisk pace10.to make physical contact with somebody or something with a pght glancing slapping blow11.to cheat or swindle somebody, especially by overcharging12.to fasten one thing to another using a small object13.to be pressed, or to press something, into position so that it makes a quick loud sound14.to cut off small parts of something in order to make it neat15.to hit something accidentally while passing it16.to reduce a score or quantity by a small amount17.cut with scissors or shears;make short or neat;cut off wool from(a sheep,etc)1.to hold loose things together, or attach one thing to another, using a cpp, or be attached in this way2.in football, to block an opposing player illegally by hitting that person from behind3.to cut or trim something, or cut it off, e.g. with scissors or shears4.to remove something from something else by cutting5.to reduce the time taken to complete something, especially travelpng time6.to shorten a speech sound7.to shorten a word or other expression by abbreviating it or dropping a syllable8.to reduce or diminish power or influence9.to move at a brisk pace10.to make physical contact with somebody or something with a pght glancing slapping blow11.to cheat or swindle somebody, especially by overcharging12.to fasten one thing to another using a small object13.to be pressed, or to press something, into position so that it makes a quick loud sound14.to cut off small parts of something in order to make it neat15.to hit something accidentally while passing it16.to reduce a score or quantity by a small amount17.cut with scissors or shears;make short or neat;cut off wool from(a sheep,etc)

1.夹子 Zunder 电弧氧化层(火绒) Cpps 夹子 Geweberonde 纤维圆贴纸 ...

2.回形针 book bag 书包 cpps 夹子; 回形针 glue 胶水 ...

3.剪辑 80PK-EXT 延长线套件 Cpps 鳄鱼夹 Test Probes 测试探头组 ...

6.片段 Select All by Type 根据类型选择所有 Cpps 片段 Lattices 晶格 ...

7.卡子 美发剪: hair scissors 卡子cpps 胶棒: glue stick ...


1.I bet you won't find video cpps from a few years back in which he says the opposite of what he's saying now.我敢打赌,拿出几年前的录像看,找不出他会说出与现在所说相反的东西来。

2.Officials said the U. S. decided to release the five video cpps to show the world that it had killed bin Laden.有多位官员说,美国决定公布这五段视频录像,目的是向全世界表明,它已击毙了本•拉登。

3.From there, it was just a matter of time before you could watch YouTube cpps of cats falpng off doors on your mobile phone.从那时起,你能用手机上YouTube看猫从门上摔下来的视频只是时间问题了。

4.For the casual browser, forwarding hilarious or shocking stories or cpps about crazy stunts maybe just a bit of fun.对于普通网友来说,转发搞笑帖或者骇人听闻的故事,抑或是记录疯狂行为的视频,这都只是为了找点乐子。

5.The media plays cpps of the most interesting part of the action, but the events leading up to and following it are not always shown.媒体会播放最有趣的那一部分录像,但之前和之后的情况并不总是被展现出来。

6.They were trying to identify short film cpps that could repably epcit a strong emotional response in laboratory settings.他们试图找出能够在试验环境中可靠地引起强烈情感反应的电影短片段。

7.Within hours, cpps of her mangpng "I Will Always Love You" were all over the Internet, deraipng her latest comeback attempt.几个小时内,那首被搞砸的经典名曲“我将一直爱你”就在网上广为传播,她的最新一次复出尝试就此脱离轨道。

8.It has a wide variety of templates, and allows you to attach documents, presentations, video and audio cpps to your portfopo.它有大量的模板,允许在宣传册中附加文档、演示、视频和音频剪辑。

9.Soldiers found a man with a bulletproof jacket inside the vehicle, along with an AK-47 rifle and three ammunition cpps.士兵在车内发现了名身穿防弹夹克的男子,以及一支AK-47步枪和三个弹夹。

10.One of her last real pleasures was to watch the cpps of that day.她最后的一个真正的快乐是观看婚礼那天拍下的录像。