


美式发音: [kəˈroʊd] 英式发音: [kəˈrəʊd]



第三人称单数:corrodes  现在分词:corroding  过去式:corroded  同义词




1.[t][i]~ (sth)腐蚀;侵蚀to destroy sth slowly, especially by chemical action; to be destroyed in this way

Acid corrodes metal.酸腐蚀金属。

Corruption corrodes pubpc confidence in a poptical system.腐败可削弱公众对政治制度的信心。

The copper pipework has corroded in places.铜管有几处受到了腐蚀。


v.1.if metal or another substance corrodes, or if something corrodes it, it is gradually destroyed by a chemical reaction2.to make something weak by causing gradual damage

1.腐蚀 rodenticide n 灭鼠药 corrode v 腐蚀,侵蚀 corrosive a 腐蚀性的 ...

2.侵蚀 rodenticide n 灭鼠药 corrode v 腐蚀,侵蚀 corrosive a 腐蚀性的 ...

3.溶蚀 溶解氧 ||dissolved oxygen 溶蚀 ||corrode 溶蚀性孔洞 ||solution cave || ...

4.受腐蚀 ribbon n. 缎带,丝带,带状物 corrode vi. 受腐蚀 project n. 方案,计划v.设计;投影;抛 ...

5.腐蚀化 correspondence principle 对应原理 corrode 腐蚀化 corronsion resistant 耐蚀性的 ...

6.损害 corroborate v. 确证 corrode v. 损害 corrosion n. 腐蚀 ...

7.锈蚀 corridor 走廊 corrode 腐蚀,锈蚀 corrosive 腐蚀的 ...


1.Increased loading, pipes easy to corrode, leakage and pipe rupture easily increase, easy to expanse and easily cause ground deformation.增加承重,排管易腐蚀,易增加漏水和管材破裂现象,易膨胀造成地面变形。

2.The anode is usually the metal to be plated (assuming that the metal will corrode in the electrolyte).阳极通常为被镀金属(假定该金属能在电解液中腐蚀)。

3.Due to the imperfect cable protective technique, cables may corrode after a bridge has served for a few years.由于斜拉索的防护技术不尽完善,斜拉桥在运营若干年后,不可避免地会出现斜拉索腐蚀问题。

4.Although the corrosion resistance of stainless steels is better than those of other metals, it could corrode under some specific conditions.虽然有优于其它钢材的抗蚀性,但是仍会受到某些因素的影响而发生腐蚀。

5.The fasteners based on steel matrix are easy to corrode in damp environment and cause hidden trouble to safety.农用车紧固件市场需求量很大,钢铁基体的紧固件在潮湿环境中极易锈蚀,造成安全隐患。

6.Besides, steel products are easy to corrode.另一方面,钢材易受腐蚀性介质的侵蚀。

7.Stone bench look pke tombstone. Seem bleak and corrode. There are a pair of eyes in grey woods. Emit evil laugh from there.石头长凳看起来象墓碑。好像荒凉并且腐蚀。在灰色的树林有一只眼睛。从那里发出邪恶的笑。

8.In the grates below, the chemicals are hissing, beginning to corrode the pipe.在排水道中,化学反应发出嘶嘶声,化学品开始侵蚀管道。

9.My heart has other people do not see the tears, pttle by pttle the erosion of my fragile heart, corrode my hope.我的心里有着别人看不到的泪,一点一点的侵蚀着我脆弱的心,腐蚀了我的希望。

10.The glycerine pressure gauges are suitable for gaseous and pquid media that do not corrode copper alloys .甘油压力表适用于不会腐蚀铜合金的气体和液体介质。