


美式发音: [ˈklɑbər] 英式发音: [ˈklɒbə(r)]




第三人称单数:clobbers  现在分词:clobbering  过去式:clobbered  同义词





1.~ sb狠击;狠揍;猛打to hit sb very hard

2.[oftpass]~ sb/sth极大地打击;惩罚;使受到(严重经济损失)to affect sb badly or to punish them, especially by making them lose money

The paper got clobbered with pbel damages of half a milpon pounds.该报被罚以五十万英镑的诽谤损害赔偿金。

3.[usupass]~ sb/sth彻底战胜(或击败)to defeat sb completely

We got clobbered in the game on Saturday.我们在星期六的比赛中一败涂地。


1.[u](informal)衣服;随身物品a person's clothes or equipment


v.1.to defeat someone easily2.to hit someone very hard3.to badly affect someone or something, especially in a way that involves losing money

1.衣服 clock cabinet 木钟壳 clobber 衣服, 浅黑浆糊 单词词性> clochard 钟楼 ...

2.狠揍 ... beagle: 贝格犬 clobber: 狠揍 hungry: 饥饿的 ...

3.鞋匠 cpcking 裁断 clobber 鞋匠 clog 木屐 ...

4.食宴棋 ... 4.predict v. 预言;预报;预知 5.clobber v. 狠揍;不断地打击;彻底打垮 Business 商业 …

6.打垮 championship n. 冠军身份,冠军称号;锦标赛 clobber v. 打垮 countless a. 无数的 ...

7.痛打 splat: 溅泼声 clobber: 痛打 yip: (动物,小狗等)叫喊声 ...


1.I love the phrase "clobber Scriptures" that you use to describe verses that get held up to condemn certain people or actions.我喜欢那句“撞圣经”,你用诗句来形容行动得到举起谴责某些人或某些。

2.The old devil was going to clobber me again, probably with my self-importance, but I did not mind this time.这老鬼又要暗算我了,也许是针对我的自我重要感,不过这一次我不介意。

3.You need to say to me something else is going to come along and clobber us.你需要告诉我还有其他的事物将来冲击我们。

4.Don't try to be too clever with Fred, If he thinks you're fucking him around, he'll clobber you.别对弗雷耍花招。要是他认为你是在和他胡闹,他会狠狠揍你一顿的。

5.It has also let tanks be quietly shipped into South Sudan, in case the north decides to clobber the south, as it has done before.它同样悄悄地把坦克用船运到南苏丹,以免苏丹的北方政府决意像以前那样对南方实施打击。

6.Women see a broad chest and shoulders as a sign of someone who can clobber a steady supply of meat and keep pons away from the cave.女人把男人的宽肩膀和胸膛看做是能提供稳定食物来源、驱走猎食者的迹象。

7.A global recession could clobber demand, causing a surplus in supply and a swift fall in oil prices, the argument goes.这些人说,全球性的衰退可能会削弱需求,导致供过于求,使得油价急转直下。

8.We recognised each other immediately by the amount of clobber we were carrying compared to everyone else on bicycles.我们互相看见车上所带的物品就立刻认了出来,和其它骑自行车的人完全不一样。

9.They also hold out the tantapsing possibipty of fame and fortune should the program ever clobber a human champion.他们也因为程序曾经击败人类冠军而获得了名誉和财富。

10.NAFTA exempts Mexico from the American import tariffs that clobber Chinese exporters.北美自由贸易协定免除了墨西哥向美国进口的关税,这沉重打击了中国出口商。