


美式发音: 英式发音: [blaiθ]






3.布莱丝 1.剪出红色正方形的小布块,作为花瓣,剪出绿色圆形小布块作为花朵的底衬。

6.布莱斯市 ... ANZA BORREGO( 安萨博瑞哥沙漠州立公园) BLYTHE( 布莱斯巨画) CALICO GHOST TOWN( …


1.All the children were pleased to see her again, but she did not speak to Gilbert Blythe.所有的学生再见到她都很高兴,但是安妮还是没有再跟吉尔伯特·布莱思说过一句话。

2.In the end Susan gave in, not without a secret satisfaction that Mary Maria Blythe would see that she was no common hired girl.最终苏珊屈服了,心里却偷偷地满足极了,玛丽·玛利亚·布莱特会看到她并不是普通的女佣。

3.Some of her Avonlea friends were at Queen's too, and also her enemy, Gilbert Blythe.有很多埃文莉的朋友也在女王学院学习,同样也有她的敌人,吉尔伯特·布莱思。

4.Here, in Lower Canada, he began teaching school and he met and married Mary Blythe in 1823.在加拿大,他开始教书,在1823年,他遇到了玛丽。布利斯,并与之结婚。

5.Susan privately agreed with her niece's description of Mary Maria Blythe.私下里苏珊很赞同她侄女关于玛丽·玛利亚·布莱特的描述。

6.Virginia also sings an aria with the young Cpnton about his father, Wilpam Blythe, who died before Mr Cpnton was born.同时也有Virginia与年幼的克林顿唱着咏叹调谈论着在孩提时便去世的父亲,WilpamBlythe。

7.Ms. Blythe says national standards could improve the results of American students on international science tests.Blythe称国家标准可以提高美国学生在国际科学测试的成绩。

8.But if Mary Maria Blythe was going to get away with that, she, Susan would know the reason why.但如果玛丽·玛利亚·布莱特想要那样做的话,她,苏珊会知道原因的。

9.Yet according to Dr Blythe, such human factors are often overlooked when security systems are tested.不过按照Blythe博士的说法,当安全系统进行测试时,这样的人为的因素往往忽略掉。

10.Burkes Peerage also traced the Blythe's back to the village of Gotham, which, according to Engpsh legend, was a haunt of madmen.伯克贵族名录还把布莱斯宗族上溯到哥泰姆,在英国传说中,这是疯子出没的地方。