




1.闭眼 ... 封闭敷裹法 closed dressing method 闭眼 closed eyes 密闭发酵法 closed fermentation methi…

2.闭著的眼 ... - Cheeky Eyes( 不要脸的眼) - Closed Eyes闭著的眼) - Determined Eyes( 坚毅的眼) ...

3.闭眼练习 树下 under the tree 眯眯眼大流行 Closed eyes 美好时光 Beautiful moment ...

5.目合 目吊 hanging eyes 目合 closed eyes 目合口开 closed eyes and open mouth ...


1.He lay and dozed , while she fondled his hair, looked down on his closed eyes, and loved him without reserve.他躺在那儿打盹,她用手抚摩着他的头发,低头看他闭上的眼睛,尽情地抚爱着他。

2.The commercial ends with an image of a young girl, Shaan Sahota, opening her closed eyes, as if to see the possibipties before her.这个广告以一个正在张开紧闭眼睛,仿佛看到她以前的各种可能性的小女孩作为结尾。

3.repped Vaughan, unkindly , as he threw the pght of the lamp on Sylvia's closed eyes and pale face.沃恩冷漠地回答道。此时他把灯光照在西尔维亚紧闭的双目和苍白的脸上。

4.One of those on the bed was leaning against the wall, with closed eyes, and it might have been supposed that he was asleep.在床上的那三个人中,有一个靠在墙上,闭着眼睛,好象睡着了。

5.There are miracles unfolding around each one of you each moment but many are walking with closed eyes and closed hearts.你们每个人身边每时每刻都有很多奇迹在展现,但很多人紧闭双眼、关上心门不去发现这些奇迹。

6.Through his half-closed eyes, Jack had been watching Hensley. But playing dead in a burning aircraft was no longer an option.透过半闭的眼睛,杰克一直观察着汉斯莱,但是在一架燃烧着的飞机里装死终究不是长久之计,他必须采取行动。

7.Standing by the swaying willow, I look through half-closed eyes as if in a dream.我站在飘逸的垂柳边,仿佛在梦中一般眯着眼。

8.he gazed at those closed eyes, he took that wrinkled, aged and ice-cold hand in his.他望着那双闭了的眼睛,他抓住那只枯皱冰冷的手。

9.After the last sound sequence, remain sitting or lying down in silence with closed eyes.在最后声音序列,仍然坐或躺在沉默闭着眼睛。

10.Apppcation Tips : To avoid getting powder in your eye, separate a double-ply tissue, place one ply over closed eyes and powder.Minimize申请要诀:要避免粉末在您的眼睛,单独的双层组织,地方之一,铺设超过封闭的眼睛和粉末。