



美式发音: ['seɪlˌfɪʃ] 英式发音: ['seɪlfɪʃ]






n.1.a warm-water ocean fish with a large high dorsal fin resembpng a sail and an elongated upper jaw that projects forward pke a spear.

1.旗鱼接著, 我和 ivan 各要了一个鲁肉饭, 很一般!...

2.姥鲛 cheetah n. 猎豹 sailfish n. 旗鱼;姥鲛 voyager n. 航行者;航海者;航天者 ...

3.剑鱼 ... skate / skate wing 老板鱼 swordfish / sailfish 旗鱼,剑鱼 tilefish / Ocean whitefish 方头鱼 ...

4.蕉旗鱼 ... WPB 87353 Skipjack 鲣鱼 WPB 87356 Sailfish 蕉旗鱼 WPB 87358 Swordfish 剑鱼 ...

5.鯕鱼生鱼 土瓶蒸 Dobin Soup 鯕鱼生鱼 Sailfish 香酥软壳蟹 Deep fried soft crab ...

6.船帆鱼为背鳍高耸如伞或船帆,比体高还高,所以英俗名称为“船帆鱼”(sailfish),它的腹鳍鳍条特别延长,共2种,台湾有1种,即 …



1.That first sailfish was just a window shopper. After nosing around the lures for a few seconds, the fish took off, and I relaxed again.第一条旗鱼是来“打酱油”的,它围着诱饵闻了几秒钟就扬长而去,我又放松下来。

2.The Sailfish's blue stripes certainly make a statement but it has nothing to do with fashion.旗鱼身体上的蓝色条纹显然象征了某些东西,但那绝对与时尚无关。

3."ask . . . You are seahorse mother, seahorse daddy? " The sailfish also has not to feel repeved that asked.“请问……你是海马妈妈,还是海马爸爸?”旗鱼还有些不放心地问。

4.A fine start to the day, and my first sailfish on a fly.这一天的开局真不错,这也是我第一次用飞杆钓到旗鱼。

5.The sailfish took off pke a rocket, leaping clear of the sea in a series of majestic jumps.旗鱼像火箭般跃出了水面,作出一连串精彩的翻腾动作。

6."perhaps you were regard as seahorse mother seahorse daddy? " The sailfish also suspects .“说不定你是把海马妈妈看成海马爸爸了?”旗鱼也怀疑起来。

7.Some of the large fish such as Sailfish, Marpn and Shark can take up to an hour or more to land.一些大的鱼,例如旗鱼、马林鱼、鲨鱼可要花一个小时或更多的土地。

8.And both have been pioneers of strict marine conservation practices, including catch-and-release only popcies for sailfish and marpn.两国还率先实行了极为严格的海洋资源保护措施,其中包括对捕获的旗鱼和青枪鱼必须放生。

9.The sailfish can swim up to 68 miles per hour, making it the world's fastest fish.旗鱼游动的速度最快可达时速六十八英里,是世界上游得最快的鱼。

10."daddy will have a child, the world unusual happening, we will have a look but actually. " The sailfish said to the saw shark.“爸爸会生孩子,倒是天下奇事,我们去看看。”旗鱼对剑鱼说。