



美式发音: [klʌmp] 英式发音: [klʌmp]




复数:clumps  现在分词:clumping  过去式:clumped  同义词





v.1.把...栽成一丛;使成群;使结块[结团]2.给(靴子)加厚鞋底3.同“clump together”4.丛生;【生】群生;成群;结块[团]5.用沉重的脚步行走1.把...栽成一丛;使成群;使结块[结团]2.给(靴子)加厚鞋底3.同“clump together”4.丛生;【生】群生;成群;结块[团]5.用沉重的脚步行走

n.1.a group of trees or plants growing very close together; a group of people or things very close together; a mass of a substance2.the sound of heavy steps

v.1.Same as clump together2.to walk with heavy steps

1.结块粒;如果未被发现,最终可能成为塑胶零件的一部分。团块clumps)可能挡住部分绞股膜头(strand die)减小成品颗粒的 …

4.丛 ... 10.1.1 Blades( 草枝形状) 10.1.2 Clumps( 草簇分布) 10.1.3 PatChes( 片片草丛 …

6.凝块 树突纤维缠结( Dendrites 团块或斑块clumps 乔治·湛( Jorge ...


1.Run a tub of warm water and sprinkle the oats over the bottom of the tub. Stir to break up any clumps.向浴缸中加满温水,在浴缸底部撒上磨好的燕麦。充分搅拌,让任何结块溶解。

2.I followed with my eye the winding of the road and saw that it curved close to one of the densest of these clumps and was lost behind it.我的视线追随着蜿蜒曲折的小路,只见它划出一道曲线向一处最浓密的草丛靠近,随后又消失得无影无踪。

3.Five-pointed star shape of the tomato flower clumps to open up, as if in the blink of an eye to me.形似五角星的蕃茄花一丛丛地开放,仿佛在向我眨眼。

4.Frogspawn appears in familiar clumps - looking like the tapioca that used to be served at school dinners.蛙卵经常以任意状的一团团出现——看起来就像学校里做菜用的木薯粉团。

5.Although D. aurantiacum was the largest group among all the species, the amount was no more than 100 clumps either.所有种类的蕴藏量均不丰富,蕴藏量最多的叠鞘石斛数量也不超过100丛。

6.Huntington's disease is one of a number of degenerative diseases marked by clumps of malformed protein in brain cells.亨廷顿病是一种大量的脑细胞内蛋白变质为特征的一大类疾病中的一种。

7.The tumbleweed was now brittle, sharp, and difficult to handle---it began to accumulate in huge clumps on my doorstep.现在的旋风是易碎的,敏锐的,而很难处理———开始累积在巨大的簇在我的家门口。

8.Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass.然而鹿排出的是一颗颗的小丸,牛排出的是扁平饼状的物体,而马呢排出的是一块块的干草物。

9.In August, long stalks with several clumps of trumpet-like flowers suddenly appear as if by magic.然而到了八月份,它却突然间出现,像是变魔术般长出长长的茎,茎上长出几丛喇叭状的花朵。

10.He was directed to another hut where a stick-thin girl, with missing clumps of hair, had the pants, scrubbed and folded, in her lap.他被领到另一个小屋,那儿有一个枯瘦如柴的女孩,头发稀少,正把裤子搁在膝盖上擦洗、折叠。