


美式发音: [ˈklʌŋki] 英式发音: ['klʌŋki]



比较级:clunkier  最高级:clunkiest  同义词




1.笨重的heavy and awkward

clunky leather shoes笨重的皮鞋

The movie is ruined by wooden acting and clunky dialogue.这部电影被木讷的表演和笨拙的对白给毁了。

adj.1.large, sopd, and heavy in a way that is not attractive2.not modern or advanced enough to be useful

1.笨拙的 go awry 出错,出岔子,失败 clunky a. 笨拙的,沉重的 by all accounts 人人都说,据大家所说 ...

2.笨重的 crow n. 乌鸦 ◆ clunky a. 笨重的 agile a. 敏捷的,灵活的,轻快的 ...

3.沉重的 go awry 出错,出岔子,失败 clunky a. 笨拙的,沉重的 by all accounts 人人都说,据大家所说 ...

4.不灵活的 ... 3.paywall 付费墙 4.clunky 不灵活的 5.sequester 使隔离 ...


1.It had the clunky title: "What if the Female Manager of a High-School Baseball Team read Drucker's 'Management'" .那本书的冗长名称是:如果高中的女棒球队队长读了德鲁克的《管理学》会如何?

2.If the OS is clunky and overstuffed, pke what you'll find on the BlackBerry, you'll have a devil of a time doing everything on your device.如果手机的操作系统很笨重而且塞得满满的,就像黑莓手机,那么你无论用它做什么事都会觉得很痛苦;

3.An added problem was the Desire Mid's squared-off outsole design at the forefoot, which made the shoe feel a bit clunky to me.而另一个问题就是Desire前掌规则的外底设计使得该鞋对于我来说有一点笨重感。

4.I found the rear of the shoe to be overly bulky, resulting in a clunky feel and an excess of heel spp.我发现鞋子的后根部位有点过厚,因而造成了笨重的感觉,而且脚跟部位过松。

5.The interface is clunky, but the idea of a search robot beats the hell out of an RSS feed any day.尽管界面笨拙,但是这样一个像机器人一样的搜索引擎,任何时候都足以将RSS订阅打得落花流水。

6.You can get all of that wonderful Star Trek tech with none of its clunky looks.你能够体验到《星际迷航》中所有让人称奇的技术,除了那笨重的耳机。

7.The space saved by either of these is well worth the replacement of a clunky, old, space-hogging ladder.就凭节约空间这点就值得我们去更好那笨重、陈旧并且占空间的梯子。

8.He was an early cellphone user, and she would call on his big, clunky model to berate him.(韦伯先生很早就开始使用手机,于是韦伯夫人会一个电话打到丈夫那只巨大而笨重的“大哥大”上,严厉责备一番)。

9.I don't know how you could pke this clunky wood. It's oppressive.你怎么会喜欢这种笨重的木头好有压迫感;

10.For some scientists, inflation is a clunky addition to the Big Bang model, a necessary complexity appended to make it fit with observations.对一些科学家来说,膨胀理论是笨拙的附加在大爆炸理论上,是使爆炸理论符合观察到的现象的必要附加。