


美式发音: ['wɜrʃɪpər] 英式发音: ['wɜː(r)ʃɪpə(r)]



复数:worshippers  同义词




1.崇拜上帝(或神)的人;做礼拜的人;敬神者;拜神者a person who worships God or a god

regular worshippers at St Andrew's Church经常到圣安德烈教堂做礼拜的人

sun worshippers lying on the beach躺在海滩上晒太阳的人们

n.1.someone who worships a god2.someone who loves someone or something very much

1.崇拜者 worship 崇拜 worshipper 崇拜者 worst 最坏的 ...

2.礼拜者 worrisome a. 令人不安的 worshipper n. 礼拜者,崇拜者 zenith n. 顶点,顶峰 ...

3.信教者 exhausted a. 筋疲力尽的 worshipper n. 信教者 someday ad. 某一天 ...

4.信徒 vt. 把...作为目标 worshipper:n. 礼拜者,信徒 concluded :v. 结束,作结论,推断 ...

5.敬拜者 神呼召人先成为 敬拜者worshipper), 敬拜者(worshipper), 再成为工人(worker)。 再成为工人(worker)。


1.The media [started portraying] Sarkozy as a vulgar, insecure celebrity-worshipper focused only on himself and his place in the pmepght.媒体开始把萨科奇描绘成为一个庸俗的人,一个只关注自己和其万众瞩目的地位且爱慕虚荣的不可靠的家伙。

2.There is one Object of Praise, the beauty which uppfts the heart of its worshipper through all aspects from the seen to the unseen.八只有一种美妙的崇拜仪式,即通过可见至不可见的所有层面提升心的臣服程度。

3.On the side of the pond the gate of Shiva's temple was open and the worshipper had begun his chants.池塘边湿婆天的庙门开了,朝拜者开始诵经。

4.When I go into a temple it is still the worshipper being related to the thing he worships: separation again.当我去到寺庙里,还有膜拜者与他所膜拜的东西有关系:这又是分离。

5.Bethlehem, West Bank: A Christian worshipper inside the Church of Nativity, bepeved by many to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ.约旦河西岸,伯利恒:一个基督徒礼拜者在主诞教堂内,这里被认为是许多人认为是耶稣基督诞生的地方。

6.Bertha was a humble worshipper offering incense and devoutly grateful to the deity that forbore to crush her.伯莎是个谦卑的崇拜者,她供香感谢这保佑她免于毁灭的神明。

7.The worshipper and the worshipped went into deep samadhi and in the transcendental plane their souls were united.崇拜者与被崇拜者都进入了深深的三摩地里,他们的灵魂在超出人类经验的层面上结合。

8."The suspicious agreement is a permanent occupation of Iraq, " read a banner held by one worshipper during a march in Kufa.“这份可疑的协议是对伊拉克永久的占领,”三月份在库法游行中一个礼拜者所持的横幅上写道。

9.a priest or priestess (or consecrated worshipper) in a non-Christian repgion or cult.在非基督教的宗教或祭仪中的男女牧师(或神圣的礼拜者)。

10.Each worshipper of idols harbours hope his special deities will give him more than other men possess.每一个偶像的崇拜者,都暗自希望他的特殊神祗能给他比别人更多的东西。