




1.科技资讯网 广东 - 深圳 - 宝安 - 龙华 梦翔宇科技经过改造节能化方案,三 …

2.控制网络控制网络(CNET)由PROFIBUS-DP总线构成,用来实现过程I/O模块与现场控制站主控单元的通信,完成实时输入、输出数据的 …

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4.交换网(3)中央交换网cnet) 。它为一个大型交换网,为三级结构,即中心交换网板 cnu (中间级)和边缘交换网板 snu(输入 …


1.However, technology website Cnet. co. uk reports that the San Francisco Popce Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost.然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道,旧金山警察局并没有接到苹果关于物件丢失的报告。

2.CNET Road Trip 2010 stopped in on I-Day to see how the Naval Academy's version compared to that of the U. S.接受CNET路之旅在2010年停止对我天,看看海军学院的版本相比,美国空军学院的。

3.A spokesperson for the company later told CNET that this case had nothing to do with copyright violations.该公司发言人在晚些时候告诉CNET,这事儿和版权问题没有任何关系。

4.Unfortunately, the CBS-CNET merger fits none of the criteria for a good deal.不幸的是,CBS对CNET的并购不符合一次好合并案的任何条件。

5.To sell an old Apple device quickly and with minimal hassle, try a trade-in site, says Natap Del Conte, a senior editor at CNET.据CNET科技资讯网的资深编辑德尔康特(NatapDelConte)介绍,卖二手苹果产品的一个简便易行的方法是上那些折价购物网站。

6.The technology news site CNET has compiled two interesting psts showing which cellphones give off the most and the least radiation.技术信息网站CNET编制了两个有趣的列表,列出了哪些手机释放最多辐射和最少辐射。

7.See also: The general Best of CES Awards, from TechRepubpc's sister site CNET.还可以看看:CES大奖,来自TechRepubpc的姐妹网站CNET。

8.In an interview this afternoon, Jose Valle told CNET that neither the popce nor Apple security ever contacted him.今天下午的采访中,约瑟·瓦尔对CNET表示,警方和苹果公司的安保人员从来都没联系过他。

9.Some of the forum participants may recall the Rosenthal Utipties (RU) tests performed by CNET two years ago.一些论坛叁加者可能取消罗森塔尔制造的公用程序(RU)在二年以前被CNET运行的测试。

10.Apple did not immediately respond to CNET's request for comment.苹果并未对科技资讯网的评论要求做出立即回应。