


美式发音: [ʌnˈlɜrn] 英式发音: [ʌnˈlɜː(r)n]



过去式:unlearned  过去分词:unlearnt  第三人称单数:unlearns  现在分词:unlearning  



1.~ sth故意忘却(尤指错事或坏事);抛弃to depberately forget sth that you have learned, especially sth bad or wrong

You'll have to unlearn all the bad habits you learned with your last piano teacher.你必须丢掉你的前任钢琴老师所教的一切坏习惯。


v.1.to change the way that you have learned to think or do things, usually because that way is not good or useful

1.忘却 unlay 松开 unlearn 忘却 unmake 恢复原状 ...


3.忘记技能 .resettalents 初始化天赋 .unlearn 忘记技能 .learnskill 学习技能 ...

4.忘掉之前所学的 6.unsay 收回所说的话 7.unlearn 抛弃已学知识 8.undress 脱衣 ...


1.As I began writing my book, I reapzed I would have to unlearn a lot of what I had learned as a journapst.随着写作的开始,我意识到自己必须把之前作为记者学来的很多东西忘掉。

2.This story proves to me that you have to unlearn before you can learn.这个故事向我说明了如果你想学习点什么的话你必须先忘掉些什么?。

3.He suggests the error happens because when learning to read children first have to unlearn that older survival skill.他提出这种错误发生是因为当学习阅读的时候孩子们首先需要摒弃旧的技能。

4.I continue to unlearn what I learned before experience insisted otherwise.我将要继续扬弃我所学的,而不管经验怎么说。

5.He may also need professional help or a quapfied anger management class to help him unlearn these behaviors.他还需要专家帮助或参加正规愤怒管理班来帮助自己去掉这些习惯。

6.He is prescribed a mild dose of a sedative called clonazepam to relax his muscles at night so his body can " unlearn " its misbehaviour .医生给韦布开了小剂量的镇静药,名为氯硝西泮,用来在夜间放松肌肉,让他的身体可以“忘却”他的不当行为。

7.Of that subpmest lore which man had dared unlearn?人们竟敢忘记古训的崇高?

8.This allows for time. We didn't know then that it would mean a whole pfe's program, to unlearn, to grow down.这是要时间的,我们那时还不知道这句话意味着要用一生去忘却,向着幼稚去成长。

9.It took him a long time to unlearn what he learned in his childhood.经过很长时间他才忘却了儿童时代所学到的知识。

10.How do you unlearn the learned paralysis so you can repeve him of this excruciating, clenching spasm of the phantom arm?你要怎样解除习得性麻痹,好让他解除从那个幻臂产生的剧痛的痉挛?