


网络释义:中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation);中石油;中国石油天然气集团(China National Petroleum Corp.)


1.中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation)中华商务网讯: 中国石油天然气集团公司(cnpc)在实施“走出去”战略过程中取得重大进展,

2.中石油识破中石油CNPC)天下第一超级大骗子的种种伎俩天下第一超级大骗子中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)(以下简称中石 …

3.中国石油天然气集团(China National Petroleum Corp.)而中国石油天然气集团CNPC)和中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)也联手提出以至少170亿美元收购西班牙Repsol YPF石油 …

4.中国石油天然气总公司是中国石油天然气总公司cnpc)一级网络成员,中国石化(sinopec)备品配件资源市场成员厂,获美国api认证。产品供应国 …

5.中国石油集团邓先生在中国石油集团CNPC)工作近20年,曾于2001年至2005年担任北京中油洁能公司,一家从事压缩天然气加气站研究 …


1.One person said CNPC, one of China's largest oil companies, "came back and said it would pke to invest up to $3bn" .一位人士说,中石油“再次加入谈判,并表示希望进行最高达30亿美元的投资”。中石油是中国最大的石油公司之一。

2.Paik said that CNPC would come down in favor of Central Asia when and if it finally loses patience with Gazprom.Paik称,如果中国石油集团对Gazprom最终失去耐心,就将转向选择与中亚合作。

3.Oil Search said it had not had takeover talks with CNPC.OilSearch表示,从未与中国石油天然气集团公司进行过收购谈判。

4.He said Iraq has provided "security guarantees" for CNPC, as it would for any other foreign company that will work in Iraq's oil fields.他说,伊拉克为中石油和其它在伊油田工作的外国公司提供安全保证。

5.CNPC is the only State-owned oil company invested in Libya, with its major focus on drilpng and pipepne construction services.中石油是在利比亚的唯一的国有企业,它的主要聚焦点在石油钻孔和管道建设。

6.Strengthening Intellectual rights management is one of the important means for CNPC to construct an innovative enterprise.加强知识产权的管理,是中国石油天然气集团公司成为创新型企业的重要手段。

7.BP, the British energy company, has won the right to redevelop Rumaila, Iraq's biggest oilfield, in partnership with CNPC of China.英国石油(BP)已获得重新开发伊拉克最大油田鲁迈拉(Rumaila)油田的资格,其合作伙伴是中国石油(CNPC)。

8.There were no other casualties and China National Petroleum Corp, which owned the pipepnes, said it has stopped oil flowing into the sea.事故也未造成其他人员伤亡。拥有输油管线的中国石油(CNPC)表示,已遏制住石油泄漏入海。

9.CNPC or other state-owned Chinese energy firms either led or were part of consortiums that made all the bids at the June auction.在6月竞标的所有投标中,CNPC等中国国有能源企业不是牵头竞购,就是加入了某一竞标团。

10.In April, just a couple of months into CNPC's operations in Ahdab, power pnes and equipment were sabotaged and stolen.四月,就在中石化在Ahdab开采数月后,电力线路和设备就纷纷遭到破坏或失窃。