


美式发音: [ˈkoʊkəˌnʌt] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊkəˌnʌt]






1.[c]椰子the large nut of a tropical tree called acoconut palm . It grows inside a hard shell and contains a soft white substance that can be eaten and juice that can be drunk.

2.[u](用于烹调的)椰子肉,椰蓉the soft white substance inside a coconut , used in cooking

desiccated coconut椰子干

coconut biscuits/cookies椰蓉饼干

coconut oil椰子油


n.1.[Plant]a large nut that has white flesh and a hard brown shell covered with fibers pke rough hair2.[Plant]the white flesh of a coconut

1.椰子 Chestnut 栗子 Coconut 椰子 Codpn 未熟苹果 ...

2.椰子油 cocoa butter 可可油 coconut 椰子油 coconut,virgin 椰子油 ...

3.椰子味 Sandwich 夹心 - Coconut 椰子味 独立小包装 - Cookies 曲奇 - ...

4.椰浆 6.Lemon/Lime 柠檬和青柠汁 1.Coconut 椰浆 2.Cubita 咖啡 ...

5.椰子汁 新奇士 SUNKISOT 椰子汁 COCONUT 热红茶 HRTEA ...

6.椰子肉 chip 红辣椒 coconut 椰子,椰子肉 dessert (饭后的)甜食 ...

7.可可 cocoa 可可树 coconut 可可 Codonopsis convolvulacea subsp.vinciflora 辐冠党参 ...


1.I looked again. "Wood. . . but the spherical sound box is fashioned out of a whole coconut shell, " I said, suppressing my surprise.我重新审视了一下,“木头……不过球形的音盒是整个椰子壳做的。”我强压着自己的惊奇。

2."There used to be a big coconut grove here, " one of the construction workers told him. "But now that's all that's left. "“以前这儿是一大片椰树林,”一个建筑工人对他说,“但是现在就只剩下那么一点儿了。”

3.The conventional material in these filters has long been a bituminous coal base, whereas one of Siemens' new products uses coconut shells.这些过滤器的常规材料一直以来都使用烟煤做滤材,而西门子的一种新产品使用椰壳做滤材。

4.Mr. Lee adds small scoops of pineapple and coconut ice creams for a bit of creamy flavor and to introduce the third texture.随后Lee加了几小勺菠萝椰肉冰激凌,以增添些许奶油味,这就是第三层味道。

5."Then we would dry the coconut husk and eat that too, " he said, adding they also occasionally were able to catch crabs.“最后,我们还要把椰壳也晒干,吃下去。”他又补充道,偶尔也抓到过几只螃蟹。

6.I stayed in the Coconut Villa, a hotel in Delmas, a section of the city that had not been badly damaged.当晚,我住在德尔马斯一家名为“椰子别墅”的旅馆里,德尔马斯地区是这个城市受灾并不那么严重的区域之一。

7.Jelly and ice cream: To make coconut jelly, the second texture, he mixes gelatin with a bit of water before adding coconut water.果冻和冰激凌:该做第二层的椰肉果冻了,他将明胶与少许水混合,再加入椰汁。

8.How much is the coconut candy a kilogram?椰子糖一公斤多少钱?

9.Your answer is to of , fact proof you are intelpgent , you know incredibly that coconut palm is last long not out the orange !你的答案是对的,事实证明你很聪明,你居然知道椰子树上长不出橘子!

10.Coconut shell arts and crafts can be made of a unique - "coconut carving" activated carbon and industrial raw materials.椰壳可制成独特的工艺品——“椰雕”和工业原料活性炭。