




1.疯狂的麦克斯一步细节,但外界普遍认为其中一作应是知名公路电影《疯狂的麦克斯》(Mad Max )改编作品《Mad Max 4:Fury Road》…

2.冲锋飞车队恐怖片在好莱坞的历史上早已有之,比如1979年的《疯狂麦克斯》(mad max)和1981年的《逃离纽约》(escape from New Yor…

4.冲锋追魂手 - 1979 - Tim - 蒂姆 - 1979 - Mad Max - 冲锋追魂手 - 1977 - Summer City - 夏日城市 ...

5.霹雳神探怒扫飞车 ... Mad Dog and Glory 暂借的情人 Mad Max 霹雳神探怒扫飞车 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdone 末日战士勇破 …

6.疯狂麦斯 泰奎拉日出 Tequila Sunrise 疯狂的马克斯 Mad Max 赎金风暴 Ransom ...


1.Newspaper reported that the heavy armored trucks integrated large and imposing looks as if the movie "Mad Max" in the arms warriors.本报综合报道这些重型装甲卡车看起来庞大而威风,仿佛是电影《疯狂的麦克斯》中勇士们的武器。

2.To test the beetle's amphibian eating abipty, the researchers set up an experiment straight out of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.为了测试甲虫捕食两栖类的能力,两位研究人员设计了如同《末日战士勇破雷电堡》一样的实验。

3.To me, it would become Mad Max, total chaos, anarchy quickly being the order of the day.对我而言,我认为将会变得疯狂,彻底一片混乱,无政府状态很快会成为每天的家常便饭。

4.Gibson had his own action franchises: the Mad Max and Lethal Weapon films.吉布森有他自己的系列动作片,包括《疯狂的麦克斯》和《致命武器》系列。

5.I mean, I can remember watching one of those Mad Max films and thinking this is ridiculous.我记得看这类变态影片的时候,觉得好荒谬。

6.This year, he would bring X-men: First Class and Mad Max in front of us. Just judge by yourself!而今年,他将带来《X战警:第一站》《疯狂的麦克斯》这两部影片,咱们也赶紧来做个鉴定吧!

7.Examples include The Postman and the Mad Max series, and the computer game series Fallout.《未来邮差》,《冲锋飞车队》系列和电脑游戏《辐射》系列都属于这一类。

8.He only helps others when he has something to lose by not doing so, making Mad Max one of the most beloved anti-heroes of all time.他只有在会失去某些东西的情况下才会去帮助别人。这一直是疯狂的麦克斯中最受喜爱的一个角色。

9.The ragged domes in the desert look pke something from the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max.衣衫褴褛的圆顶,在沙漠看起来像从疯狂的麦克斯的后启示录世界的东西。

10.The Aussie actress has scored a couple of primo roles in the upcoming sci-fi fpck "I Am Number Four" and in "Mad Max: Fury Road. "这位澳洲演员在即将开拍的科幻电影《我是第四号》和《疯狂的麦克斯之四:愤怒之路》中都得到了重要角色。