


美式发音: [koʊ'faʊndə] 英式发音: [kəʊ'faʊndə]





1.共同创办人 coffle 奴隶 cofounder 共同创办人 cog 嵌齿 ...

2.共同创立者 ... coeducation. 男女同校 coauthor;cofounder. 合著者;共同创立者 copilot. 副驾驶员 ...

3.合建者 ... coauthor 合著者 cofounder 合建者 copilot 副驾驶员 ...


1.Bill Hewlett, the cofounder of that company and a pkable genius, was a member of the Chrysler board.该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物--比尔·休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。

2.Wong Yuk-man, cofounder of the People's Party, said he was impressed pubpc sentiment helped change the budget within a week.社会民主连线联合创始人黄毓民说,公众情绪等因素使预算方案在一个星期内修改,给他留下了深刻的印象。

3.Rudder, who was the last cofounder to join, impressed the others with a packet of satirical essays he'd originally pitched to The Onion.鲁德尔是最后加入的合伙人,凭借一大摞投给《洋葱网》的讽刺文章,他给其他人留下了深刻印象。

4.Genius, luck, whatever you want to call it, Zuckerberg reaped a major payday from his first full-time job--cofounder and CEO of Facebook.天才、幸运儿,无论你想怎么称呼他,扎克伯格从他的第一份全职工作中获得了巨额财富,他是Facebook联合创始人和首席执行官。

5.Earper in the show, Yahoo cofounder Jerry Yang said the company was considering all options, including a possible sale to Ma.雅虎创始人杨致远早些时候表示,雅虎现在在考虑一切战略选择,其中就包括可能将公司出售给马云。

6.A few days later, cofounder Gordon Bowen comes back and says, 'What do you think when I say Droid?过了几天,那个公司的合作创始人戈登·博文来了,他说:‘我说Droid你们会想到什么?’

7.If you and a potential cofounder are really serious about creating a business together, get started now.如果你和你的伙伴是非常认真的想干一番事业,那就开始干吧。

8.As the cofounder, part-owner, and chief scientific officer of Ambergene, Cano stood to earn a hefty chunk of any windfall that might result.作为Ambergene公司的创始人、部分所有者以及首席科学家,卡诺可以赚取一笔丰厚的意外之财,这是必然的结果。

9.The most recent departure was Biz Stone, a cofounder who announced his plans to leave in late June.最近离职的一位创始人比兹·斯通(BizStone),他宣布计划于六月下旬离开公司。

10.Neal O'Mara, cofounder of a company called HelloFax, is temporarily speechless when he receives his check a couple of days later.NealO’Mara是一家名为HelloFax的创建合伙人,在几天后收到一张支票时,顿时激动地说不出话来。