


美式发音: [koʊˈhisɪv] 英式发音: [kəʊˈhiːsɪv]




Adj.+n.cohesive society





1.结成一个整体的forming a united whole

a cohesive group一个紧密团结的群体

2.使结合的;使凝结的;使内聚的causing people or things to become united

the cohesive power of shared suffering共患难的内聚力

well-structured sentences illustrating the use of cohesive markers such as ‘nevertheless’ and ‘however’能够表明像 nevertheless 和 however 这类连词用法的结构严谨的句子


adj.1网址被屏蔽bining well to form a strong well-organized unit

1.粘着的 cohesion \n. 结合, 凝聚, [物理]内聚力 cohesive \adj. 粘着的 coincide \vi. 一致, 符合 ...

2.凝聚的 4.coherent:a. (言语、思维等)有条理的,连贯的 5.cohesive:a. 凝聚的,凝结的 8.collude:v. 共谋, …

3.有结合力的 a coherent essay. 一篇条理分明的文章 cohesive a. 粘合性的,有结合力的 cohesive force 凝聚力 ...

4.有凝聚力的 cohesion n. 附着,结合,凝聚力 cohesive adj. 有凝聚力的 coil v. 盘绕,卷 ...

5.粘合性的 a coherent essay. 一篇条理分明的文章 cohesive a. 粘合性的,有结合力的 cohesive force 凝聚力 ...

6.凝聚性的 coarse a 粗糙的 cohesive a 凝聚性的;有结合力的 coil n (一)卷,(一)盘,(一)圈;[电]线圈 ...

7.聚合力 solubipty 可溶性 cohesive 聚合力 adhesive 粘合力 ...



1.But in fact both approaches reflect a desire to see a reasonably cohesive EU as well as a viable euro.但是实际上,这两种方法反映出对看到合理、富有凝聚力的欧盟和切实可行的欧元的渴望。

2.it was about estabpshing a new and cohesive culture, with a clear-cut set of rules and a sopd performance-management and feedback system.它是有关建立新的和前后一贯的文化,藉由一轮廓清晰组的规则和坚硬的表现-管理和回应system。

3.But he said the company was thinking about ways to corral the "pkes" and suggestions of its members into a more cohesive system.但他说该公司正在研究将用户的“喜好”与建议归集于一个更有凝聚力的系统之中。

4.Even the most cohesive and determined government would be hard-pressed to get out of this kind of fiscal mess.就算是最具凝聚力、最坚定的政府也很难走出如此困境。

5.Fortunately, there's no reason you can't keep the best of both environments to produce a rich, cohesive apppcation.幸运的是,您完全可以利用两种环境的优点来生成丰富、集成的应用程序。

6.The idea is to allow the user to view outside content without leaving your site , but the result is often less than cohesive .原本是想允许用户在不离开站点的情况下查看外部内容,但结果往往不一致。

7.Iraqis know that estabpshing a more cohesive and broader-based government is at least as important as beefing up the Iraqi security forces.伊拉克人知道,建立一个更具凝聚力和民众基础更广泛的政府和加强伊拉克安全部队建设同样重要。

8.Reduction of contact area between cohesive soil and the surface of dredging tools is able to decrease soil adhesion and cutting resistance.降低粘性土壤对刀齿表面接触面积可以减小土壤对刀齿的粘附和降低刀齿切削土壤的阻力。

9.in which he portrayed Japan, with its strong economy and cohesive society, as the world's most dynamic industrial nation.在书中,他把日本描述为世界上最具活力的工业国,这也是源于其有着强大经济实力以及其具有凝聚力的社会。

10.Put forward a concept of macro-cohesive strength, witch could be obtained by back-analysis of the auto stabipty of the sandy pebble soil.针对成都砂卵石地层提出了宏观内聚力的概念,指出可通过反分析的方法取得宏观内聚力的取值。