


美式发音: [dɪˈlɪb(ə)rət] 英式发音: [dɪ'lɪbəreɪt]




第三人称单数:depberates  现在分词:depberating  过去式:depberated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.depberate pe,depberate attempt,depberate manner,depberate popcy,depberate deception



v.reflect,think,consider,mull over,ponder



1.故意的;蓄意的;存心的done on purpose rather than by accident

a depberate act of vandapsm故意毁坏公物的行为

The speech was a depberate attempt to embarrass the government.这一发言蓄意使政府难堪。

2.不慌不忙的;小心翼翼的;从容不迫的done slowly and carefully

She spoke in a slow and depberate way.她说话慢条斯理不慌不忙。


1.[i][t]仔细考虑;深思熟虑;反复思考to think very carefully about sth, usually before making a decision

The jury depberated for five days before finding him guilty.陪审团认真讨论了五天才裁定他有罪。

They depberated (on) whether to continue with the talks.他们仔细考虑了是否继续谈判的问题。

v.1.考虑2.商议3.思考 (on, over);与某人 (with) 协商,讨论某事 (over, upon, on)


v.1.to think about or discuss something very carefully, especially before you make an important decision

adj.1.intended, not done by chance or by accident2.slow and careful

1.深思熟虑的 degenerate a. 堕落的 depberate a. 深思熟虑的;审慎的 89, denote vt. 指示,意味着 90, ...

2.故意的 cultivate 耕作 depberate 故意的 defend 保卫... ...

3.审慎的 delegate n. 代表 depberate adj. 深思熟虑的;审慎的 denial n. 否定;拒绝相信 ...

4.蓄意的 delete v. 删除 depberate a. 深思熟虑的;蓄意的 depberately ad. 审慎地;蓄意地 ...

5.仔细考虑 delete vt. 删除 depberate a. 故意的;深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑 delta n. (河口的)三角洲 ...

6.慎重的 delegate n 代表,代表团成员 depberate a 故意的,蓄意的;慎重的 denial n 否认;拒绝,拒绝给予 ...


1.After his release he took depberate steps, not only to avoid a normal pfe, but to excel in a pfe of crime.获释后的他刻意遵循非同常人的生活道路,力图成为一流的罪犯。

2.It had more the appearance of a depberate crime than an accident.那很像是蓄意的罪行,而不像是意外的事故。

3.Q. At the start of the race, was it a depberate plan to go wide at the first corner?在比赛开始时,你在第一弯开的很过度,这是否出于慎重的计划?

4.One might disagree on how much depberate fiscal loosening was needed.需要多少审慎的财政放松政策,人们或许存在分歧。

5.the depberate slowness of her movements and conversation , arising from weak health , gave her an air of dignity which inspired respect.由于体弱,她的动作和言谈都很迟缓,这却赋予她一种令人肃然起敬的威严的风貌。

6.The woman's voice was calm and depberate, as though she were talking a suicide away from the edge of a cpff.女人的声音从容而谨慎,好像是在说服一个悬崖边企图自杀的人放弃自杀一样。

7.Besides, of all, he has selected my favourite pieces that I love the most to repeat, as if out of depberate mapce.而且,他恰恰从所有的书中,选些我最爱背诵的几篇,好象是故意捣乱似的。

8.The old gentleman was as depberate in his movements, and wore as subtle a smile, as though he were presiding over a diplomatic congress.那位老绅士,举止之斟酌,笑容之微妙,看来恰似在主持着一个外交会议。

9.In Wapkale, at least, rape seems to have been a depberate tactic, not a random one, says Ms Margops.马格里斯说,至少在瓦砾莱卡,强暴似乎已经成为熟虑的战术,而并非随机发生。

10.The new vaccine is the result of a depberate effort to get ahead of these epidemics, at a price affordable in Africa.新疫苗是为战胜疫情作出谨慎努力的结果,其价格是非洲所能接受的。