


美式发音: [ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['kɔɪnɪdʒ]






1.[u](统称某地或某时期的)金属货币;(某种)硬币the coins used in a particular place or at a particular time; coins of a particular type

Roman coinage古罗马时期的硬币

gold/silver/bronze coinage金币;银币;铜币

2.[u](国家的)货币制度the system of money used in a particular country

decimal coinage十进位货币制

3.[c][u]新创的词语;新词语的创造a word or phrase that has been invented recently; the process of inventing a word or phrase

new coinages新创的词语


n.1.the coins used in a particular country or in a particular period in history2.a word or phrase that has recently been used for the first time

1.造币 code n. 准则;法典;代码 coinage n. 造币 collapse vi. 倒坍;崩溃,瓦解 ...

2.硬币 coin set 套装硬币 coinage 硬币 Coinage Security Fund 硬币发行基金 ...

3.货币制度 coinage 造币 coinage 货币制度 coinage 创造 ...

4.铸币 collection items 托收项目 coinage 铸币 collection ledger 托收账 ...

5.造词 co-hyponyms 并列下义词 coinage 创新词 color word 色彩词 ...


1.The bizarre condition has forced Emma to turn to her credit card in a bid to avoid using coinage when out shopping.这种特殊的体质使得艾玛不得不申办信用卡,以免她在外出购物时使用硬币。

2.During the two Han dynasties, private coinage was prevalent and was characterized by continuity, extensiveness and diversity.整个两汉时期,货币私铸风行。货币私铸表现出连续性、广泛性、多样化等鲜明特点。

3.These characteristics led to their being used for jewellery and eventually coinage.这些特性使得它们能成为珍宝,最后用来作货币。

4.B: Yes, in paper currency as well as coinage . Modern coins are called token money for that reason .银行家:是的,无论是纸币还是硬币的发行都是照此办理的,为此,现代硬币被称之为“辅币”。

5.Gradually as new nations developed throughout Europe, they found it necessary to have their own coinage systems.渐渐地,当欧洲的新国家兴起时,他们发现有必要建立自己的硬币币制。

6.This commemorative medalpon set includes 13 pieces, each made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 30mm with coinage technology.此套纪念章共13枚,材质为铜质镀金,规格为直径30毫米,造币工艺制造。

7.In the years since decimapsation a number of changes have been made to the coinage.十进制后的几年,英国的硬币也相应发生了一些变化。

8.Sometimes stores used certain tokens because there was a shortage of actual coinage.有时商店里因为没有足够的硬币而使用一些代用币。

9.The Buffalo Nickel was first minted for regular use in U. S. coinage in 1913 and became very popular with the general pubpc.水牛城首次铸造镍经常使用的硬币在美国于1913年,并成为深受广大市民。

10.He even suggested replacing the new coinage, electrocution, with "to be Westinghoused. "他甚至暗示用新创造的词语“被威斯汀豪斯了(tobeWestinghoused)”来取代电刑。